Demon Lord

Chapter 96: satyr

Chapter 95 Pervert

At first, Luo Di thought that the pub was blocked by several people, but when he turned his eyes, he found that there was a big man standing more than two meters tall.

The other person was shaved and dressed in an adventurer's unique short coat. It was very unique in the autumn weather that was already slightly cold-the arms exposed outside were extremely stout, but Roddy could detect that the muscle was absolutely passing through. The shape only after the system training is completely different from the simple **** of the orcs.

He whispered the "Status Bar of Peripheral Characters", and after seeing the bright red name on the other side of his head, Roddy realized that he might be more powerful than the strongest assassin-when he looked carefully, his opponent's powerful wrist The flattened boxer makes "Gladiator" an advanced professional name.

When the other man opened the wooden door and walked into the tavern, his head was almost stuck to the low ceiling-this striking image made the few customers in the bar cast their eyes on him and found him. Behind him even followed several companions.

The remaining few people looked the same as ordinary adventurers. They wore capes and hoods, and they were usually of a stature. They had arms around their waists and backs. They walked very lightly when walking, and glanced across the bar. A sigh of breath.

I seem to be some stronger adventurers.

Roddy's eyes were recovered from the big guy and his companions. He didn't have much interest in their identities. He just felt that it was a coincidence to meet an adventurer with advanced career in such a place at this time.

It belongs to Roddy's memory. At the end of 590 years after the service was launched, Hollier City rarely appeared in advanced occupations. It was only after more than a year after the outbreak of the war in 592 that the forces in the city generally appeared to have "advanced" "Professional" soldiers, and by about 594 years, advanced professions crossed the threshold of level 30 is still extremely rare and powerful existence of the lord, even then the level distribution among players is roughly the same.

As a player at the end of the first echelon, Luo Di was not advanced in level 59 in 597. At that time, throughout the continent, advanced levels in excess of 30 were just popularized as backbone sergeants in the army.

Judging from the speed and distribution of such level promotion, in 588 at this time, in a remote bar in Hollier City, I saw a "Gladiator" who might have reached a level of 10, and Roddy did have Reason to lament the strength of the opponent.

I ca n’t help but sigh. Even when the service was launched in 590, there are still advanced levels above 60 in the world. It is not a rare thing to occasionally encounter advanced roles.

"Boss, are there any rooms? Five of us."

When speaking clearly with an accent, Roddy, who was facing away from these guys, raised her eyebrows slightly.

The accent ... should belong to the southeast territory of the kingdom.

When I saw the business, and the other person's appearance was not easy to mess with, the boss Hu Ke immediately introduced them to the room diligently and took them enthusiastically.

Go upstairs with the other person-not long after, the other person seems to be satisfied with the accommodation environment and price here. After paying a few silver coins for the accommodation fee, he sat on the wooden table behind Roddy, and clicked with the accented words. Xiaocai, then a group of five people sat silently, waiting for the boss to bring the food to the table.

Roddy was thinking about sneaking into the Duke's Mansion, then got up and left, and saw Hook put a few dishes on the adventurer's table, he greeted the other party to indicate that something was about to go, and his eyes were casual. When glancing at the group of adventurers, they saw that the five adventurers were raising their hands against the food in some strange manners ...

I turned and left, and after walking out of the bar, Rody's brows frowned slightly--the movements of those guys looked familiar.

Where did you meet?

Some scenes in the depths of memory are looming, but after all, Roddy's memory is not outstanding. Many things just have an impression. After thinking about the results for a long time, he no longer thinks about these things and looks up. On the street, walk towards the Ducal Mansion.

Uh ...

凌 Early morning on September 4th.

修道院 After midnight, the monastery always showed an unspeakable silence. After the candlelights were extinguished, only the moonlight came in from the window. The icy night was gone without the lingering of the late summer. When the chill of the autumn gradually came, the people living in the house curled up into the warm quilt.

Since that happened on September 2nd, many young people in the monastery have stayed up all night for two days. The appearance of the three assassins who died tragically at the door of the monastery really made many nuns close their eyes. The frightened body shivered.

On the 3rd day, Bishop Benjamin made inquiries to Ryan Booker and others. It was probably an overview of the situation. At the same time, he also had a brief conversation with Sally. The identity of the assassin was not mentioned in the discourse. Just let her objectively narrate the incident process and not ask too many questions, leaving a sentence "If you have anything to say, you can always find me" and let her leave.

Such a result made Sally's heart very low.

So at three or four in the morning, Sally, who was on the other side of the bed, finally chose not to lie down with her eyes open, and stood up and pondered the countermeasures.

恐 I'm afraid these two nights are the first consecutive insomnia in her life-the assassination has already passed, but the impact it has caused her has never been able to escape. Counting the assassination of the day before yesterday, she found out that in the past few months that she had met with Roddy ... she had no idea how many times she had been saved by Roddy.

Stories like "hero saves the beauty" are common among bards: princesses in high towers, knights on horses, insidious and cunning dragons ... These exaggerated stories are so popular that they sound aspiring-but After it happened to her, Sally realized that the rescue of Roddy in the crisis and the "hero" who screamed and rushed into charge were two different things.

In Hollier City, anyone who knows Roddy ’s identity is nothing but himself

No one else, not even the bishop was known by Benjamin, who was the one who escorted himself all the way back to Hollier-Roddy always stood in the shadows, only shot at critical moments, and let onlookers The enemy didn't even know who he was until he died ...

一天 After the day and night of the incident, Sally had gradually figured out the ins and outs of the whole thing, and she also figured out why Roddy finally killed the assassin.

If the assassin survived, he would be subject to interrogation by Bishop Benjamin, and in case he offered to order the impact on the monastery was Francis ... then I am afraid that the "Rose Cross" monastery must take measures against the entire Roussillon family!

This is a matter of no discussion. Impacting the monastery is equivalent to slap on the face of "Rose Cross", even if the person who slaps is the largest aristocrat in the city, there will be no concession in "Rose Cross". And if a full-scale conflict erupts, the family behind Sally will definitely be severely hit!

In this way, Sally will be completely isolated-not to mention the severely ill father, how much damage this huge family industry will suffer, it is impossible to imagine, and the name of Sally's "Roussefron" will lead her in The status of the monastery has plummeted, and even the status of life is difficult to enter!

So now I want to come, Roddie ’s "cutting the grass and cutting roots" arrow is equivalent to transferring Benjamin's anger to Roussillon ... directly to himself.

And this makes Sally not know how to face Roddy again, because now he has not only helped himself, but even the entire family-but this family "benefactor" is likely to face "Religious Wanted"!

This result made Sally sleepless all night, and every time she closed her eyes, she could not help but suddenly emerged in her mind that Roddy was caught by the temple guards and thrown on the torture rack ...


With a heavy sigh, Sally reached out and rubbed two dark circles like pandas. Although she was a little flustered, things haven't reached the point of being irretrievable now ... Bishop Benjamin didn't see Roddy's face, let alone know Because of his identity, even if he enters the abbey, Roddy will not be seen-as long as he goes high and flies, it is not difficult to survive.

As soon as she thought of such a possibility, Sally's heart was inexplicably sad. Reached out and touched from under the pillow, the bone dice sent by Rorty was held in her hand. She thoughtfully remembered what Rorty had said, and only wanted to help him resolve such a crisis.

With a success in her heart, Sally decided to go to Bishop Benjamin to explore the tone, and then began to pack clothes and beds as usual.

Slim pajamas make Sally's bumpy body more seductive. At this time, it is the age of development, so the change trend of the figure is obvious-after taking off the pajamas, Sally always feels that some parts of her seem to have become larger again. Some, when she reached up to pick up the blue soft armor next to the bed and put it on her body, she remembered that the chest position of this dress had deliberately left a suitable half-curve for the crisp chest, and she couldn't help thinking about it for a while, and her face was somewhat hair

It's hot.

The scene where Roddy pressed his chest on the minecart came to mind, Sally couldn't help whispering, "Saty!"

什么 "What pervert?"

Suddenly, Criss's voice came, and Sally found out that the other was drilling into the room with two dark circles under the door. Thinking of not wearing the robe, she couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. She stretched out her hands and pulled her clothes over her body, and whispered, "Why don't you knock at the door? It scared me."

Such a tone of blame meant that she was not angry. Kris knew that Sally had a good temper, and made a pitiful look, and whispered, "I'm afraid ... I can't sleep at all when I encounter such a thing. As soon as I close my eyes, the blood is ... "

Talking, she fought a cold war, and her two dark circles looked pitiful, so Sally couldn't get any anger. She gathered her platinum hair and asked, "Why did you run to me? Come here? Isn't your room close to me? "

"Because ... that happened ~ ~ Only you didn't scream and scare like us-you didn't see that guys like Booker and Lane were scared to move, but you still You can order us to find the priest ... But then, why did those guys come to assassinate you? They were so brave that they dared to rush straight into the monastery, or the guards just left ... "

"I don't know. You don't seem to be afraid of me. In fact, I was scared enough. I didn't fall asleep without looking at me."

"Well, if this time it wasn't for the archer, I'm afraid we're all more fierce--who the **** is he, Sally, do you know?"

Kriss turned around and asked the staring panda, waiting for the answer with anticipation.

Sally shook her head and sighed: "I really don't know who it is, and the family has never had such an accurate guard as archery. It should not be someone sent by his father."

Everyone knows the identity of her Duke's daughter, so this statement is highly credible. Chris is doubtful, and eventually knows that it is difficult to ask too much, but whispered: "Bishop Benjamin is probably relieved. The Lord Bishop is coming. If there are any problems in the monastery, it is not easy for the bishop to do it. I heard that he is going to be promoted to the regional bishop, but I do n’t know if it is true ... "

The nature of the gossip girl's gossip will not be lost everywhere. There may not be any basis in the gossip. Sally was worried about how to solve Roddy's affairs. When she heard this news, she raised her eyebrows immediately, then thought of a possibility--

"Where did you hear the news?"

She seemed to restore the calm of the past in an instant, and whispered to Chris.

(End of this chapter)

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