Demon Lord

Chapter 98: Overarching plan

Chapter 98: Bishop's Plan

Although it was clear that the decision to assassinate was made by himself, and the main responsibility for failure was also in himself, at this time Francis was really mad-because he felt that he was completely played by that **** shooter!

"That guy is **** in the city! I asked you to find him for a few months, and he was led away by all kinds of messy perjury. What happened? He has been wandering under my eyelids! "

"What's the use of a bunch of waste like you !?"

The element of fire suddenly condensed in the palm of Francis, the temperature in the room suddenly increased, and the eyes of the three men became extremely frightened-as the few who have seen Francis angry and survived, they all understand ... When the count was really angry, absolutely everything was done, so at this moment he was stiff, and even forgot to say something for mercy.

But Francis clenched his fists, staring angrily at the three subordinates, clenching his teeth to suppress the anger in the heart-he tried to restrain the impulsive emotions, and finally snorted, his arms slammed ... a The small fireball crossed the top of the three people in a bright yellow trajectory, smashing the window with a pop, and disappeared into the field of vision.

After a few seconds, there was a muffled explosion in the distance, followed by the sound of falling trees.

The next three minions breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that they had escaped. But the silence that followed was very depressed, but none of them dared to say a few more words, for fear of annoying the count again.

"Thanks to those who were sent out, they died clean, there is no danger of exposure ..."

西 Francis squinted and still clenched his fists, "I still have a chance ... and a chance ..."

He said to himself in such a low voice, frowning and thinking hard about the countermeasures, but after thinking for a long time, he didn't know how to find a suitable opportunity to kill Sally!

The failure of this operation directly led to "grassing the snake and scaring the snake". Sally will never go out of the protection of the temple warrior. What's more important is that the bishop will definitely increase the protection and look for the assassination commander. .

"Master ... it seems-it seems like there will be a Governor Bishop of Holy Cross coming to Holy City recently, and a notice was sent here some time ago."

"Bishop of the Governor?"

Francis turned back abruptly, and he knew exactly what such a post meant: a post just a step away from the heart of the "Rose Cross" temple. Bishop Benjamin is above [Diocese of the Diocese], followed by [Bishop of the Governor], higher up is [Cardinal], and the highest [Pope].

When such a character came to Hollier City, the first thing was to march around the city to attract more believers; the second thing was to give a speech in a city square to stimulate the faith of the believers; the third thing was The latest orders issued by the temple on the square are usually the promotion of certain bishops, priests and monks.

When these messages flashed through his head, Francis held his arms for a moment. Obviously, Sally, as a "priest candidate", would definitely receive the christening of the bishop in the city square!

I was glad, but Francis narrowed my eyes quickly-if she assassinated Sally in such a ceremony, it would be equivalent to openly facing the "Rose Cross" ...

He gritted his teeth, turned around, and waved a new command: "Gather all the available power, and rush back before the overarching bishop arrives in Hollier!"

"As long as there is a chance, there is always a way."

September 5.

Looking from the city of Horil to the southeast, what you see is no longer the grassland plains in the northwest, but the virgin forests with extremely high coverage.

In the impression of modern people, the "primitive forest" often only appears on television. If people in the city want to experience it, they must use transportation to go far to find a forest isolated by the city. After entering, There are often many artificial facilities inside to ensure the safety of tourists.

But such a scenario is impossible at all in the medieval background of "cracked soil". On the contrary, "city" is the object of being isolated by the forest.

落后 Lack of productivity and sparse population, human life on this continent is especially hard. There is no smooth road between cities, and it is good to have muddy dirt roads, not to mention those primitive jungles that need to go through all kinds of crises.

At this time, humans did not have a harvester, no chainsaw, and no more material requirements under natural economic conditions. The economy in each region was almost completely independent and self-sufficient, so there was no interaction between people. Fight against the jungle that wants to drown the city.

车队 In the "Amber Forest", 300 kilometers away from Hollier City, a convoy was struggling to walk on this rough forest road.

The horse-drawn carriage swayed slightly, and the metal axles regularly heard the sound of "creaking". The leather boots stepped on the soft ground, and the leaves rotted and the smell drifted into the air. The flag fluttered, and the pattern of two roses crossed in front of the cross glowed in soft tones in the sun.

Relatively speaking, such road conditions are relatively good, and the temple guards sighed inwardly when they walked on—all the better than the swamps and dirt roads before.

On both sides of the road are dense jungles with low visibility, the sky above is covered by wooded branches and leaves, and the falling light leaves some mottle on the ground. Although the team is moving forward in silence, it seems to be in the ears The guard's whispering voice was always heard, making the atmosphere between the team ... a little nervous.

As the overarching bishop of the "Rose Cross" temple, Rubens' carriage at this time just left the last fortress on the journey-Vettelburg, and at this time he moved forward for about ten days, when they came out of this area When it is difficult to travel through the jungle, you enter the territory of Duke Angmar's Everta.

The puppet convoy has a large number of carriages. There are a total of nine carriages. In addition to the largest carriage where Bishop Rubens is located, two are accompanied by priests, and the remaining six are used to carry the weight and supplies. The composition of the guard team is very simple-eight templar knights on horseback, twenty-four templars walking on both sides of the carriage, and thirty-four ordinary infantry and obedience. In addition, It is ten servants who serve the lives of the Lord Bishop and the priests.

It was noon at this time, and the team stopped at the roadside as usual to start a simple rest, but before the carriage stopped, a strange team rushing from the side of the road suddenly broke the original quietness—

Twelve-man cavalry squads in red robes rushed forward, accompanied by more than thirty soldiers casually shouting the slogan "kill these pagans", suddenly appeared in this narrow jungle environment, and Go straight to the carriage where the bishop is!

In the face of such an attack, the well-trained temple guard seemed to have expected it. He immediately raised his shield to protect the bishop's carriage, and then the infantry lined up to meet the enemy. The cavalry entered the charge and followed the priests' thoughts. After the blessing spell was recited, the counterattack began vigorously--

The battle erupted instantaneously. Although the number of attackers was predominant, there was no threat when facing the well-equipped and fully equipped temple warriors. From the beginning, the battle tended to be sideways—the attacking cavalry was not effective at all. Killing, rushing around and completely taking the infantry shield formation helpless, and as the eight Templars collectively launched a countercharge, the morale of this team collapsed, and fled after a while of fighting.

Things happened quickly and ended more quickly. It was useless for ten minutes from the sneak attack to the escape. In the process, the bishop himself never walked out of the carriage, but only issued the command to start the war from beginning to end—and when After the battlefield was cleaned and the priest reported the situation, Bishop Rubens opened the carved wooden door and stepped off the carriage.

Seven or eight corpses were standing on the ground not far away, and five captives were screaming in pain.

Bishop Rubens, who is dressed in black and yellow robes, is sixty-two years old this year. He is well-formed and narrow-eyed. When he looked at the corpse, it seemed no different from looking at the surrounding trees. And when the guard pulled several surviving attackers in front of the governor, he seemed too lazy to ask extra questions, but glanced at the four guys with painful expressions and screaming, casually. Asked: "Is it confirmed?"

The temple guard yanked off the sleeves of these people, exposing the pattern existing on their arms: a snake entwined with the cross.

When these patterns appeared in Rubens' eyes, the Lord Bishop's eyes froze slightly, and then, turning silently, walking towards the side, the palm that seemed to be inadvertently raised seemed to be casual. A "cut down" action.

After he left, the temple guard raised the sword in his hand and chopped down without mercy ...

After a simple lunch, the bishop returned to the carriage. While the team was not yet ready, he picked up a quill and wrote down some simple words on a thick book-"September 5, 'Viper Cross' Fifth sneak attack, casualties ... "

In such a sentence, it records all the "accidents" that have occurred on this trip, and it also indicates the number of casualties between the enemy and us. Obviously such sectarian battles have been called "bloody", but in the eyes of the bishop, Everything that the "Viper Cross" does, however, is to cover up their fear of the "Rose Cross".

"A barbarian heretic."

Speaking in the mouth, the quill kept writing letters on another parchment—the prefix was "To Cardinal Card".

"The heathens are constantly attacking my team ~ ~ their casualties are severe every time, but it is clear that these heathens are paralyzing my vigilance- The pagans killed were farmers who did n’t know how to fight. It was too cruel to do so ... "

The quill is constantly dipped in ink, and the writing on the parchment is very regular.

"I will continue to maintain the size of this team to lure the other side to attack, but for the sake of insurance, the other two teams are secretly following us, and one has already gone to Hollier City in advance to prepare ..."

"The pagans have been dormant for a long time, but this time I have taken the lead. The pagans thought they were hiding themselves. In fact, I already knew their plans. If they really acted in Holy City, I would definitely They will learn enough lessons. "

The tone of the letter was impassioned. Obviously, Governor Rubens respected that Cardinal Card. After writing the letter to dry, he gently folded the parchment paper and took the wax seal. After melting, press the wide ring on the thumb against the crimson fire paint, leave the letter representing the "Bishop" of the Rose Cross, raise your hand and chant a mantra, make a second encryption for the letter, and then hand in To the servant outside the carriage.

At this point, the team had finished rest, and when they opened the curtains, they could smell some blood that could not be masked, but the governor seemed to be accustomed to it, but just said "departure" lightly. Let the curtains fall.

The driver's whip waved, and the small team embarked on a seemingly crisis-ridden journey again.

(End of this chapter)

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