The tomb exploded directly.

With the blessing of Bi Fang.

The strength of this leg is more than ten thousand hectares.

Opening a grave couldn't be easier!

And see him in action.

The few beams of eyes peeping in the dark disappeared for a moment.

This old yellow-skinned child in this area is also the existence of Zhanshan as the king, and it is not something they can afford.

Now being provoked by this stunned youth.

A massacre is inevitable.

Under the tomb, an old yellow-skinned man with adult height and light brown hair sprang out, grinning and looking at Jiang Che.

"Humans, all the descendants of this old man died in your hands, it's a revenge, why do you still have to fight?"

Jiang Che's flame pupils flashed.

Think carefully for a moment.

"It seems to be the same, then, let's forget our grievances. The so-called "no fight, no acquaintance", old seniors come and come, let's have a drink together, and we should make friends."

As he said that, he stepped forward with great enthusiasm, as if he wanted to embrace the weasel.

That enthusiastic attitude.

It was completely stunned to see this old yellow-skinned man.

It's not stupid though.

Immediately grinned, the teeth elongated visibly to the naked eye, glistening dimly in the dark night, which looked very unusual, and at the same time, a thick yellow mist emanated from the tail.


The old Huangpizi let out an extremely disturbed cry, and said with hatred: "Drinking? You are afraid that you don't want to take the old man to the bar!"

Hear this.

Jiang Che was not happy anymore.

Sadly said:

"Oh, brother Huang, you're wrong! I take you as a friend, but you don't trust me at all. It really hurts my heart. Forget it, since you think so, it's okay if this friend doesn't do it."


He stomped directly on the ground.

The whole person shot out like a cannonball.

Blood all over.

Concentrated completely on the right fist.

The scorching high temperature directly caused the air to distort.

The corners of Huangpizi's eyes twitched. As monsters, their tyrannical blood and flesh were originally their advantages.

But who would have thought that the man in front of him was more like a monster than him!

The whole person is reckless.

A whole body of qi and blood, so fierce that it can scare people to death!


But Lao Huangpizi is not vegetarian.

A mysterious yellow light appeared.

Wrapping the teeth that stretched as small as half a meter, he shoveled directly into Jiang Che's abdomen. With the blessing of Huang Guang, this blow was unimaginably fast.

Jiang Che took a deep breath.

Fist turned directly.

Top down.

Hit the teeth hard.


A loud bang.

"Crack" sound.

That sharp tooth was actually broken!

There was obvious panic in Huang Pizi's eyes.

But then.

It actually opened its mouth and spewed out a strong black-yellow gas, attacking Jiang Che directly.

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