The fox girl and the driver looked at him suspiciously, wanting to see what medical equipment he would take out.

Then they saw that Jiang Che took out a ferocious sledgehammer.

Then he grabbed the fox girl.

The fox girl suddenly felt an inexplicable heart palpitation.

"Come on, the main problem with your arm is the dislocation of the bones. The medical treatment is also very simple, just need..."

"Just smash the bones to pieces!"

Hear this.

The fox girl was startled.

Almost fried.

God smashes bones into pieces! Are you a devil? Are you just trying to hammer the old lady to death, right!! Jiang Che saw this... fox woman patient kept shrinking her arms back, and seemed unwilling to cooperate with the treatment, so she quickly Comforting: "Don't be afraid, if this treatment fails, we have a backup plan, which can be amputated."

The fox girl was stunned.

What an amputation of God! You shut up, you shameless old thief! This old lady just has a loose joint.

When I get to you, I have to give up my entire hand, right? "Forget it, it seems too troublesome, just hammer it to death."

Jiang Che pondered for a while before deciding on the final medical plan.

The driver on the side was stunned.

Don't even care about being afraid.

This... Doctors are so violent these days.

Pick up an arm and kill the patient abruptly. "Roar!"

The fox girl finally reacted that she had been tricked. With a roar, her whole body grew furiously, directly revealing its prototype and becoming a... A huge white fox, with a powerful force erupting from her arms, she was directly pressing Jiang Che's paw on her body. Down.

Then... she found that she simply pressed: don't move! This man is too strong! "Come on, it seems that you can't wait, girl, you have taken off your clothes, you must be very satisfied with my treatment plan. ."

Jiang Che nodded in satisfaction.

Raise the sledgehammer.

In the terrified eyes of the driver and the fox, a hammer fell.

Boom! A loud bang.

The fox just became a puddle of meat sauce.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 200 energy."

"The treatment is over, Miss Fox, your arm doesn't hurt, right?"

Jiang Che asked under the hammer.

No response... "Yes, it seems to have been completely cured."

Jiang Che nodded in satisfaction.

The driver on the side was stunned.

What's so special... Can you have a face! Everyone else was hammered to death by you.

Can also respond to a fart "Master, drive quickly, I'm really in a hurry."

Before he knew it, Jiang Che had already got into the car.

The driver swallowed hard, nodded and said, "Okay master! I'll be there soon!"

He knew that he had taken a life.

In the end, the driver took out the speed of Qiu Mingshan Bike God, drove all the way to more than [-] yards, drifted several consecutive corners, and sent Jiang Che to the gate of the villa area.

"Okay, go back to the road, drive fast, and don't stop no matter what you see."

Jiang Che gave a final command.

On this mountain, it seemed to be very uneven, and along the way, he felt several unusual breaths.

Jiang Che didn't go to entangle with the security guard at the door, he changed his direction, turned directly into the fence, and then ran all the way to Ye Liangchen's villa building.

Under the night, the whole white villa area, at first glance, it is a bit strange, many houses are lit, but they seem to be lifeless and lifeless.

Jiang Che knocked on the door.

I thought no one would come to open the door.

As a result, the door opened soon, and a cold-faced nanny opened the door and said, "Young master is in the bedroom, waiting for you for a long time."

Jiang Che was taken aback.

It looks like Ye Liangchen, nothing happened. He walked up to the second floor with doubts.

Push open the bedroom door.

"Jiang Che, you are here"

"Why don't we go have a meal together, I just have a bottle of 92-year-old red wine, let's have a drink together"

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