Several people moved on.

And when they stepped into the deepest part of the villa area, a garden square, all the members of the team could not help but take a deep breath.

"what is this!"

"There are so many evil people, they are all bewitched!"

"No way"

Their eyes widened in disbelief.

I saw innumerable things in all directions, or foxes, snakes, wild wolves and other demons with evil aura, or people with red eyes, or all kinds of ferocious ghosts, and jumping zombies, The people who were ghosted, etc... all walked towards the middle of the garden.

And there, an old woman in white clothes leaning on a cane, with three fox tails swaying behind her back, chanting some kind of weird syllable, and in front of her, there was an ancient ceramic jar.

Those who... were called, all brought their own knives and other things, and put their blood into the ceramic jar.

"What do they bleed for"

Lu Bing couldn't help but ask.

Xing Hu and Zhang Yuanyu also looked puzzled.

Only Han Tian and Huang Daoren looked at each other, and their eyes showed incomparable solemnity.

"It's not bloodletting."

"This is soul release!"

The two said in a low voice.

The other three people were stunned for a while... "You didn't see, those... monsters turned into their original animal appearances after they bleed their blood, did those zombies put in a drop of blood, and they all died, and they jumped out a few times. The same is true for those who were bewitched, they turned their heads and fell to the ground, their eyes turned white, they couldn't die any longer!"

Han Tian shouted softly, his expression extremely ugly.

"It's all because, it's not blood, it's soul!"

"I'm afraid that in that jar, there is something that can't be conceived."

Lu Bing immediately said, "Are we going to stop it, Captain?"

Han Tian glanced at the detector in his hand: "This fox has more than 100 evil energy, it is a first-level blood-eyed old monster, and it is very difficult to deal with. Generally speaking, only three first-level detectives can make sure that they will take action at the same time. Gotta get it!"

After several people listened, Qi Qi's expression became stagnant, and his face became heavier.

"Then what to do, Captain!"

"If this kind of ceremony is completed, I am afraid the consequences will be disastrous."

The zodiac man sighed.

"Otherwise, let's give it a try. If we cooperate well, it's not impossible to kill this old fox."

A few people, all of them are a little eager to try.

Han Tian shook his head helplessly: "You have not participated in the operation of encircling and suppressing the red-clothed or bloody pupils. You still don't understand how tragic it was. In the last school incident, five colleagues at the same level jointly encircled and suppressed a red-clothed ghost, and those who died on the outside were killed. Comrade level, there are as many as seven."

When the few people heard this, their expressions suddenly changed, they were all just rank, and in front of the rank blood-eyed demon, I'm afraid they were really not 4.

5 look.

"When the evil has reached this level, it has already undergone a qualitative change and has become: very difficult to deal with!"

Han Tian took a deep breath, his eyes showing incomparable tangle.

If you ask for help, when the support arrives, I am afraid that there are only living people left in the villa area, and none of them will survive, and the evil here is very likely to endanger the residents at the foot of the mountain.

Without asking for help, a few of them went up and said it was a near-death experience, which was all with an optimistic attitude.

"Alas! I can only do my best and obey the destiny. I will fight the evil spirits, at least to hold them back."

Han Tian finally said resolutely: "You go out and notify the SWAT team, evacuate the residents at the foot of the mountain, notify the branch, and send the strong over here!"

When several people were about to refuse this order.

Lu Bing suddenly said faintly: "Captain, you said these... evil spirits, living dead, etc., the purpose of taking knives and other things is for bloodletting"

Han Tian was taken aback: "Yes!"

"But can you tell me why anyone still carries a sledgehammer?"

Chapter [-] What kind of prank are you doing? ? (Please customize! Please Huahua~ The third update) Thank you for your great company

Clam Han Tian was stunned.

Several people looked forward.

Immediately, he opened his mouth wide, his face stunned.

I saw a man walking in the midst of the team with his eyes blank. He seemed to be bewitched and wanted to sacrifice his soul, but in his hand he was carrying an extremely ferocious sledgehammer.

Several people were silent for a while.

They were all focused, wanting to see how this man bleeds himself with a hammer.

They saw that the man went up.

He stretched out a hand.

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