Jiang Li's face sank, and he could only stretch out one hand to block it, and the violent black power above exploded.

Boom!! A terrifying loud noise.

Jiang Li was smashed into the air for more than [-] meters before she could stabilize her body. She looked at Jiang Che with a gloomy face. Her entire arm was misplaced, and her palm was even more bloody.

Jiang Che smiled.

But in fact, he was very vigilant in his heart.

This woman is very strange. From her breath alone, she is only a half-step evil. He can use a white board card, plus the Crazy Flame Hammer, how can he solve it.

But the feeling she gave Jiang Che was very dangerous.

It seemed she was hiding some secret.

So Jiang Che just tried it out first.

at the same time.

Jiang Che meditated silently in his heart.

"Draw a bronze card."

As the roulette wheel stopped, a divine bird bathed in flames appeared in front of Jiang Che's eyes, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "Phoenix! Together with the Crazy Flame Hammer, it is absolutely unimaginable."

At this time, Jiang Li, with a gloomy face, said incomparably coldly, "You forced me!"

With a wave of her white palm, a pill filled with endless resentment appeared on her hand.

This corpse pill was originally a gift prepared for her young lady when she had killed thousands of people when she came out early, but now facing a deadly enemy, she had no choice but to use it and behead it.

Jiang Li no longer hesitated and took it in one mouthful.

Suddenly, her flesh began to burst, and the dark lines under her skin cracked directly, looking extremely ferocious and terrifying.

Jiang Li's breath began to grow wildly, and in just one or two breaths, his aura increased tenfold! An extremely cold and oppressive pressure suppressed this small space.

Jiang Li's eyes turned into a dead silence, and the whole person's expression became: extremely ferocious.


She let out a roar that was not like a human being, and the dark power almost poured out, wrapping her.

She looked at Jiang Che with a pair of eyes.

A vast coercion descended, directly causing Jiang Che to stagnate his breathing and unable to move.

Jiang Che's face sank: "Breaking through the evil level, and possessing an incomparably violent, vast, and strange power, in my previous state, even if I add the armor of the gods, I definitely can't withstand an attack from this ghastly thing. "


Jiang Li roared and stomped his feet on the ground.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and a deep pit appeared on the ground, and she had turned into a sharp arrow, rushing straight towards Jiang Che.

"Ruining the gift I gave to the lady, I will tear you into pieces!!"

Faced with this terrifying existence.

Jiang Che stopped joking.

His expression darkened slightly.

"Use an alien card—"


Boom! A crimson flame swept across Jiang Che's body in an instant.

Half a breath of time, the flames suddenly spread out, revealing the inside, the muscles are lean, the back of the neck is scarlet, with golden feathers, Jiang Che with a pair of burning wings behind him, at this moment, in his eyes, the flames are soaring to the sky, and the violent aura , Like, the god of fire came into the world!! Jiang Li's pupils shrank sharply.

"Do you have a date, little sister?"

Jiang Che said.

Jiang Li was stunned.

Didn't you say about the bubble? Why did you raise the sledgehammer, "One shot, a [-]-meter giant pit!"

Chapter [-] Have you seen fantasy movies? (Ask for a subscription? The fifth one is offered)

Jiang Che chuckled lightly, and his eyes instantly turned into a state of blazing terror.

"Unquenchable Black Flame!"

A dark flame rushed out from him, lingering with a strange power.

"Phoenix is ​​really hot!"

A crimson flame condensed on the Crazy Flame Hammer, bringing the extreme high temperature, which was extremely terrifying.

"Three Mysterious Transformations of Phoenix Fire - Mingfeng Transformation!"

A chain of strange flames circled around Jiang Che's body, twisted, spread, and instantly condensed into one... The terrifying death phoenix overlapped with Jiang Che's body.

Three terrifying flames.

In an instant, all the blessings were placed on the Crazy Flame Hammer.

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