But right now, it's the best option.


Without any hesitation, Lu Yun shouted out in one sentence that the scene was a violent hurricane. Yu Chengfeng's whole body turned into an afterimage, and it went [-] meters in an instant, almost how everyone reacted. At that time, it was already [-] meters away.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he stretched out a hand, holding the winning ticket, and touching it forward.

And then...it was empty.

Yu Chengfeng's figure suddenly stopped.

He stayed in place for a long time.

What the hell, the tree has disappeared. I saw the big tree that was still here.

the other side.

There was a burst of exclamations.

"It's what people do"

"I'll be darling, you are too beautiful!"

"Yu Chengfeng just passed by, and you pulled back the roots of the trees."

Hearing these words, Yu Chengfeng's heart suddenly shuddered.

Turn your head to look.


He couldn't help exclaiming.

I saw Jiang Che holding the tree and returning to the starting point of the two.

"Okay, reconnaissance team, I will follow your command, but for the general policy, please refer to... some instructions from combat experts."

Lu Yun said to Jiang Che.

Then, according to the grouping, Lu Yun drew up a list of personnel and a rough list of abilities reported by everyone, and handed it over to the combat conference room. After half an hour, the combat plan came out.

One is the overall combat plan, such as when the reconnaissance team will go to reconnaissance, what time will it return, etc... Arrangements.

The other one is for the use of personnel in each group, and there are some general suggestions, which are submitted to the group leader and dealt with by themselves.

Soon, the entire legion began to move towards the Shanguan District and Jiangwan to suppress it.

On the trucks, two capable teams are discussing countermeasures respectively, mainly the team leader makes arrangements.

On the other hand, the investigation team was relatively quiet.

Jiang Che closed his eyes as soon as he got into the car.

After all, there will be a battle later.

Yu Chengfeng hesitated for a long time: "Brother Jiang, let's not do some combat strategy, mobilize before the war or something?"

The salted fish of the rest of the reconnaissance team also looked at Jiang Che eagerly.

After all, I'm going to the ghost place of Jiangwan Town in a while. The more preparation, the more chance of survival.

Jiang Che opened his eyes and was stunned: "This is easy to say, our strategy can be summed up in four words: crush them!"

What a god... All the team members were stunned.

My leader! We are the investigation team! The investigation team! Feeling the war-filled eyes of the team members looking at him, Jiang Che smiled gratified. He knew that he had successfully saved these... From the ability of Gan Xianyu, they raised their desire to fight.

"You have a strong will to fight, this is not a good thing, remember to follow me later, don't be fooled."


Jiangwan Town, the southern suburb of Dayuan City, Shanguan District, the outermost town, is located in a relatively remote area.

Twilight falls.

At this time, Jiangwan Town looked a little hazy in the dark brilliance. It seemed that the town did not know when, a layer of fog was blowing up, and the shadows of many buildings were long in the setting sun, like a Devil with claws and claws.

On the street, the neon lights are bright and the figures are shaking.

But don't know why, whatever...

It is so lively, it always seems a little cold and clear, dead, and it seems to give people a feeling that the living are not allowed to enter.

The closer to the evening, the more lively the streets became, but at the same time, there seemed to be a 'bang bang bang' sound in some houses, as if something had been locked in some buildings.

And strangely enough, it's rubbish.

There is no abnormality in the town, and it is operating normally, but all the entrances to the town: , have been blocked by the police station, which says, "Don't enter," and there are even some yellow paper talismans posted on them. Some important intersections were also sprinkled with hooves, black dog blood, and garlic cloves. Some intersections even had special police on duty to block anyone who wanted to approach Jiangwan Town.

As the evening approached, some police officers became more and more panicked in their hearts. Seeing that it was almost time, they immediately rode into their cars and fled away from this place.

And when the police on duty at each intersection left.

Several young figures came over.

Thanks to Renee for the 100vip reward! !grateful!

!Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! : …

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