Don't come here, we're begging you! "If I'm seriously injured, you won't accompany me, and I'll lift you up with a sledgehammer."

"The hammer is not sharp and the horse is too thin. What can I fight with you?"

"Iron sons, don't be afraid of trouble, if someone is looking for trouble, then do it!"

The corpses were miserable.

Where did you learn this set of 07? It's too beautiful! How come you haven't been frozen to death by the cold window for ten years! And upstairs, a group of investigative team members watched a person chasing a large group of people Jiang Che, whose corpse was far away, listened to the terrifying roar from the end of the street from time to time, and watched the fire explosions one after another.

"I'm a darling!"

"How many cram schools did the team leader sign up for?"

"The empire's war is over, we need such talents!"

"I often feel out of place with you because I don't have enough...sand sculptures"

"When I was young, my family was poor, and the most valuable thing in the family was... the big iron lock on the door. Every time it rained, I would run to the big lock, hug it and say: Please, don't rust!"

"Quickly pass me on Fang Tianhuaji and cut an apple for the team leader."


In the face of an entire street of walking corpses, even if it is just a few, but with this number, no matter who it is, everyone will feel horrified. Team members' ideas.

But now.

The situation seems to have undergone some strange changes.

It seems that those... walking corpses can't escape a few members of the investigation team, and their expressions are strange.

I always feel like I'm with someone amazing.

Can we really investigate properly? Just after they watched Jiang Che chase a group of walking corpses into another street, suddenly, in the dark night, there was a stench, and on the sixth floor rooftop, Vaguely, a rotten smell entered the noses of more than a dozen investigators.

There was also a gloomy wind blowing, and everyone was suddenly excited.

Only then did they remember that they were in the legendary Jiangwan Town, which was extremely dangerous and had been buried with a superpower! "Woooo"

A faint whimper suddenly sounded.

A few people turned their heads, and through the various lights on the street below, they could vaguely see that at the corner of the rooftop, at an unknown time, a woman in white clothes appeared, with her back to them, crying towards the corner.

"Wow, I don't want to live."

"Why, why is everyone bullying me"

"I'm going to jump off the building, I'm going to die!!"

The woman's voice suddenly became: extremely sharp and hideous, she held her head in both hands, and stood up suddenly in a very strange posture, as if she was afraid that her head would suddenly fall, she stepped on the roof railing, it seemed that she was thinking Suicide.

"Don't think about it."

A member of the investigation team suddenly kicked the railing behind him, as if there was no friction under his feet, he slid to the woman's side in an instant, and grabbed her wrist: "If you die, there will be nothing left, calm down!"

The rest of the people looked weird.

No one could see that this woman was abnormal.

"Looking behind him, the amulet given by the team leader is about to burn, which shows that it is a very strong evil, and he is bewitched!"

The expressions of a dozen people changed drastically.

At this time, the woman's whimper sounded again.

"you want to save me"

"Okay, you come... can you die instead of me?"

The faint voice is incomparably permeating.

That... The team member was stunned and saw the woman turned her head slowly. Her face had long been broken to the point of disrespect, with bloodstains all over her face. , with her hand on her neck.

A faint red light flashed in the woman's eyes.

"replace me"

"Replace me instead of me"

With a strange call, the terrified eyes of the team members gradually became blurred, and he walked up to the railing step by step, actually wanting to jump down.

And this time.

Chi!! A gust of wind pierced the air, and a half-meter blue wind blade slashed on the woman's body, cutting off her waist in one stroke.

Yu Chengfeng's eyes flashed with green light, and his breath was extremely dangerous: "Ghost thing, you have found the wrong person!"

And that... team member was also in a trance, so he woke up and turned around. When he saw himself standing on the rooftop, he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He is the weakest here, barely rated at the ability level, and his ability is to reduce body friction. The strength and physique are at most five or six times that of ordinary people. If they jump from this tall building, I am afraid that even if they don't die, they will be disabled for life.

The female ghost's body was 990 fractured, but she was not dead, her hideous head fell on the ground, jumping step by step towards the crowd.

"Jie Jie"

Her sneering voice was intimidating.

"Stinky Taoist priest, even if you are stronger than me, in our territory, you will surely die!"

Her eyes flashed red.

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