Ka Ka... The sound of broken bones mopping the floor suddenly sounded from above.

A blood-red distorted figure dragged on the ground and crawled down the corridor step by step. On the top of his head, a hole was still dripping with bright red blood, dyeing its body even more scarlet.

He grabbed the head of a terrified female ghost with one hand and ate it down.

This ghost exudes a colder, more powerful aura than before, and the blood-red power riots all over.


"It's so miserable!"

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Chapter [-] This is not a game that a macho should play

The little girl below, the dress is bright red as blood.

She exudes endless resentment and a terrifying gloomy aura.

The members of the investigation team, panting heavily, retreated step by step on the corridor, their hearts almost jumped out of their throats, everyone was sweating, this little girl brought Their pressure was so strong that it almost made them breathless.

And when they heard the abnormal noise above, someone seemed to breathe a sigh of relief when they saw Yu Chengfeng and Henry Zhang, but when they saw that..., still: the bone-breaking ghost who ate the head of the female ghost At that time, everyone's faces instantly turned pale.

Two red shirts!! An almost unsolvable situation.

Accompanied by the shrill screams of the Bone Broken Ghost.

"I'm so miserable!"

This sound, as if it was infinitely amplified by the loudspeaker, turned into a thunderbolt, and slammed into everyone's minds. In an instant, everyone's eyes became dull.

All the members of the investigation team were stunned for a moment, with panic in their eyes.

They can also feel their own consciousness.

However, I can't control my body! And the two red-clothed ghosts cracked open at the corners of their mouths at the same time, and laughed yinfully, the whole corridor, the yin 07 wind gusted, and the lights kept flickering... But at this moment.

The three figures moved, and the wind blew up, turned into afterimages, and rushed towards the little girl.

No matter how strong the Broken Bone Ghost is, it is impossible to deter three level 3s at the same time. These three people are Yu Chengfeng, Henry Zhang, and one, pure legs, level strengthening, three people running between the corridors , At a speed that cannot be captured by the naked eye, it is necessary to make a desperate fight.


At this time, the little girl gave a silver bell-like laughter: "At last, you are willing to play with me..."

"It's a game of jumping grids!"

Her eyes burst out with a strange blood-red power.

The entire corridor seemed to be extended indefinitely, and it looked so short, but no matter how fast the three of them were, they could not rush in front of the little girl, and they felt that their physical strength was directly tenfold. Growth! Three people 3 quickly exhausted.

Collapsing on the stairs.

"It's over."

Yu Chengfeng showed despair on his face.

All the members of the investigation team also sighed, showing their unwillingness.


The little girl walked up step by step, her hands were stained with blood, and she said gloomily: "Brothers lose, I will fulfill the rules and screw your heads off."

Call the entire hallway.

There was only the sound of two specters approaching step by step, and the heavy, trembling gasps of all the members of the investigation team.

And this time.

Squeak...! The door to the corridor below seems to be opened.

There was the sound of heavy footsteps going upstairs.

The little girl paused and turned around, with a naive smile on her stiff face: "My brother is here to play games with me again."

And seemed to hear her voice.

A deep male voice came from below.

"play games"

"I'm doing it!"

"Wait for me, my brother will make you satisfied!"

The sound of footsteps, dong dong dong, went faster.

I don't know why, hearing the footsteps, the little girl's heart flashed a trace of unease.

The members of the investigation team were all excited.

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