They wanted to say: Boss, there is no one living here! Where did the resident come from, but they looked at the hammer raised by Jiang Che.

All the team members nodded frequently in tacit understanding, and made a high affirmation of Jiang Che's guidelines.

"Yes, boss, I have found it long ago."

Henry Zhang agreed: "The residents of this building often knock on the door panels and make noises, so they should really communicate, communicate, and remind."

"I just heard someone chopping things. In the middle of the night, it is too disturbing for others to rest. You should do your work well!"

"That's right, Brother Jiang, what you said is very reasonable!"

Yu Chengfeng gives a thumbs up...

Seeing people so supportive of their work.

Jiang Che also smiled happily.

He picked up the sledgehammer and led the crowd towards the door next to him.

Boom! Boom! "Anyone?"

Jiang Che slapped it with two palms, and slapped the security door directly, making two deep palm prints.

The corners of everyone's mouth twitched.

This is so special... It doesn't look like you're going to do ideological work. Some people believe you when you say you're here to rob.

0 And this place, there can be a ghost who never imagined.

A woman's voice sounded.

"come in."

There was a screeching sound from inside.

And then...the door never moved.

The people inside seem to have worked hard for a long time.

The latch cannot be pulled open.

Everyone was stunned when they saw it. It turned out that the entire security door had been deformed with Jiang Che's two 'knocks', and the bolt was stuck.

"Forget it, I'll open the door myself."

Jiang Che said.

Bang!! With a loud noise, the security door was hammered open.

The players are all stupid.

this year.

Do you have to enter the door like this for community work? Maybe this is the macho! As soon as you enter the door, there is no bloody scene in your imagination. A woman with an umbrella looks at this group of people from a distance and her eyes are a bit stunned... …

This woman is very strange, she was still stewing in the middle of the night, and in her own home, she was still holding an umbrella, her face was a little too pale, but overall, she looked more like a living person.

Jiang Che didn't have the slightest sense to smash someone else's door.

As soon as he went up, he immediately said... "Hello, our property management received a report from a user downstairs, saying that you often cook in the middle of the night, which affects the rest of other residents. Is this true?"

"Yes, I'm stewing in my own house, what's wrong?"

The woman said in a low voice.

She looks like a woman in her twenties, but her voice is dry and old.

"But it's still in the middle of the night: chopping things, it will greatly affect everyone's rest."

Jiang Che thought about it and asked, "Is your husband at home?"


A dim light flashed in the woman's eyes: "He is in the kitchen."

Everyone was stunned.

The kitchen of this house is facing the living room, and the door is also open at this time.

But the problem is.

In the kitchen at this time, there seems to be no one except... that pot of stewed things: I am flattered!! Thank you very much for the 59-point reward from 500! The boss is too expensive! The 105 points reward!! The big guy is too expensive! Thank you very much for subscribing, sending flowers, tickets, and evaluating the big guys, you are so powerful! I don’t say anything, tomorrow the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, do my best Add more! These words will not be charged under the condition of quality assurance

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:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

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!Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! : …

:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Third: Awakening with Love, Moving with a Hammer

Everyone's eyes turned sharp.

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