"Jie Jie"

The man snorted: "Since you want to solve my troubles, come over quickly and let me chop you up to cook!!"

The kitchen knife in his hand swung suddenly.

He slashed hard at Jiang Che.


Bang!! The bed stepped on.

The man didn't even have time to let out a scream, he became a puddle of flesh.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 120 energy."

Jiang Che shook his head: "This... The resident is too excited, so I can only subdue him first. After he calms down, let's come back and talk to him."

All the team members: What a god... Uniform! Everyone else has become a puddle of meat, so let's wait for him to calm down.

You want to wait for him to cool down! "Come on, there is a strange noise in his living room, it's a thief, let's go and help him."

Jiang Che picked up the sledgehammer and walked towards the living room.

The team members were speechless.


We are more like thieves and when they step into the living room, through the lights on both sides of the street, they can see in the darkness, on the other side of the coffee table, an old woman is turning her back to them, her back is moving, as if she is chewing something .

There was a strong smell of blood in the living room.

There was also the whimpering of a woman.


The crowd took a few steps forward.

Yu Chengfeng's face changed: "Red clothes! Half-step red clothes."

This old woman was wearing a longevity suit made of paper, and it was actually half red.

Most of the people here still need to be cautious in the face of half-step red clothes.

But Jiang Che just strode up.

"Hello, madam, may I ask if your son and daughter-in-law... abused you?"

hear him.

The old woman suddenly turned her head, a thin, wrinkled face with a sinister smile, her mouth full of blood, she smiled coldly at Jiang Che.

"Yeah, they abused me so much that they never fed me!"

The grandmother's voice sounded terrifying.

When talking, people can't help but want to sympathize with her.

"Young man, can you do me a favor and let me have a bite..."

However, what he said was very intimidating.

"Just one bite!"

All the players shuddered.

The temperature in the living room dropped suddenly, and some doors and windows that were still open were also closed instantly. The old woman was wearing a colored paper shroud, her head was twisted a little bit, making a 'kakaka' sound, and her limbs were also twisted strangely, thin and thin. The outrageous hands and feet were extremely swift, and in two steps, he climbed up to Jiang Che and licked his scarlet tongue.

0 "Boy, I'm so hungry"

"Please let me have a bite!"

The grandmother opened her mouth wide, and it split open to the size of her entire head. A scarlet ray of light suppressed Jiang Che. This force was filled with endless resentment, which could disturb people's minds.

A half-step red-clothed ghost.

The power explodes completely, and falls on an ordinary person, which can directly turn him into an idiot.

For those who are capable, it can also make the opponent sluggish for a few seconds.

But unfortunately, Jiang Che possessed the strong will of mountains and seas and beasts, and of course a mere ghost can't affect him.

"Of course it's fine to take a bite, madam, don't be polite."

Jiang Che said enthusiastically.

The grandmother's big mouth bit her.

And then...crack!...a sound.

Her upper and lower teeth, unique to starving ghosts, were extremely sharp, terrifying teeth, shattering each and every one of them.

The old lady was startled.

What the hell! Why is it so hard! Then she saw that she was bitten on a large, pitch-black hammer.

The old lady was very sad.

You still personally agreed to let me eat.

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