"I'm sorry, I can't stand my nose now."

Jiang Che grinned and raised his sledgehammer: "Come on, I'll send you and your teacher to hell at the same time, so that you can have a chance to meet again."

Both evil spirits were stunned.

Why don't we feel good together now

The two overlapped, and the infiltrating female voice sounded: "Send us to hell, who will go to hell, not yet..."

Half way through.

It came to an abrupt end.

A giant hammer with a length of nine meters, blazing with furious flames, has been lifted.

Both evil spirits were stunned.

Holy crap,! Are you making a movie! If you have the ability to remove the special effects and fight with us!! "Flame! Meteor! Explosion!"

Look at the two figures running away.

Jiang Che didn't panic at all, and suddenly a hammer slammed down.

Boom!! Huge deep pit, covering a radius of more than 45 meters in diameter, the entire land was scalded into magma, and the two evil spirits roared and turned into fly ash directly in the explosion of the fireworks.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 120 energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 800 energy."

Jiang Che glanced at it.

The energy directly reached more than [-],.

He nodded in satisfaction.

The investigators who were hiding not far away were stunned.

What the hell! This is a special record of the evil that a ghost has just recorded! It's cold in the blink of an eye, team leader, you are a devil! Dang this time.

On the tallest building of the school, the midnight bell rang suddenly.

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

When the first bell rang, the entire campus seemed to be slowly recovering.

All the horrors before.

Under this kind of recovery, it all seems very child's play! Next, it will be the real - inhuman carnival! Human nightmare.

Thank you for being born to give a reward to Lang Da's 100vip! !Sprinkle flowers~

!Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! : …

:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter [-]: Counter-killing and being counter-killed (the first update ~ please subscribe)

The bell rang at midnight.

The entire church school began to fill with a layer of black mist, and at the same time, a muffled sound was heard from the depths of the ground, and the entire ground seemed to be shaking.

The black mist is getting thicker and thicker, spreading all over the periphery of the school.

Only the brightest places around the teaching building are not affected.

All the investigation team members, their expressions changed, and they quickly moved their hiding places. They could feel that if they stayed in the black mist, terrible things would definitely happen! That black mist, it was like a giant mouth opened. The hideous monsters will drag people in at any time.

And when it is close to the teaching building.

Seeing the scene in the classroom, the faces of the investigation team members became even more strange.

With the bell tolling.

One by one, the students seemed to be getting more and more restless, showing either irritable or gloomy expressions, and began to violate the rules of the classroom. There was a blond boy who smashed books and ink bottles at the teacher, pointed at the teacher, and insulted him all the time. The teacher is an old man, obviously can't understand what he is saying, so he can only pat the child on the back: whisper comfort and say good things.

On the other side, the teacher of a class, a girl in a long skirt, was holding a textbook and walked to the corner of the seat when a few students lifted her long skirt and laughed. A boy grabbed her, didn't allow her to go, and asked her about her size, cups and other lewd things.

Teachers with very few clothes and fabrics are even worse. Some teenage students directly point to the exposed parts of their bodies and criticize them.

"Teacher, you are so fat here"

"certainly delicious!"


"Are these students crazy?"

Yu Chengfeng frowned: "And you didn't find it, it's too strange here."

"In the entire six-story teaching building, only four 44 classes have students, and each class has only more than [-] people!"

"One more thing, the age gap of the students is too big, there are three to five years old, and there are also teenagers..."

Another player said.

"And the teacher is also very strange. It can be clearly seen that it is not a teacher's profession."

The members of the investigation team, although they were ordinary people before, had done a lot of investigations after awakening their abilities, so their observation skills were extremely strong.

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