"Nine tails?"

Jiang Che looked strange.

The system really likes to create problems for itself.

According to his understanding of Shanhaijing, Jiuwei, as the overlord of Qingqiu, exists on the same level as Bi Fang and Xiangliu, and can destroy evil spirits and magic formations, which can play a big role in the Huangchuan Third Courtyard.

And at this time.

Just when the woman was slashed with a knife.

Jiang Che said silently.

"Use an alien card—"

Can be sudden.

He woke up with a start.

The moonlight was thin, and the room was pitch black.


A strange sound came from the toilet.

Jiang Che narrowed his eyes.

He understood: "This female ghost can't kill people in a dream, so this dream is just to scare me, the real killer move, or in reality?"

According to some supernatural knowledge he knows.

Man has three fires.

If ghosts want to harm people, they have to find a way to put out a fire or two.

And fright, it will make people lose their souls, and the yang fire will be turbulent. This is why many ghosts do not directly harm people, but they want to pretend to be mysterious and do some bells and whistles.


Strange sound, like someone was hitting their head against the wall or the floor.

Jiang Che put away the alien card in his hand.

Lift the bronze mace by the bed.

Step by step to the toilet.

I forgot to bring it last time I came here.

A hammer that can be treasured by a real monster is definitely not an ordinary hammer. Maybe it can kill evil spirits?


The strange voice became clearer.

in an empty room.

It seemed that someone was slamming his head against the wall.

And in the dark.


The sound of heavy objects dragging on the ground.

It also sounded suddenly.

Chapter [-] Weird Hospital (new book for collection!!)

Jiang Che dragged his mace and came to the toilet.

The toilet door, which was opened before going to bed, was closed at an unknown time.

The door frame was shaking, as if something was coming out.

Jiang Che smiled and opened the door.

The sound of dong dong stopped instantly.

Quiet in the house.

Needle drop is audible.

Eerily quiet.

Outside the toilet window, a gust of cold wind blew, and thin moonlight shone in. A dark spherical object on the ground gradually attracted Jiang Che's attention.

After feeling Jiang Che's gaze.

The spherical object turned abruptly.

In the moonlight, the hair was parted, and there was a pale woman's face, the woman grinned and revealed an eerie smile.

"Give me back... pay back my... life..."

The woman's shrill voice resounded in the empty house.


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