
Jiang Che let out a loud drink.

Yu Chengfeng immediately understood, Pidianpidian ran out a few hundred meters, picked up the Crazy Flame Hammer from a terrifying deep pit, and ran back all the way, handing it to Jiang Che.

"Master Chief, here comes the hammer."

Jiang Che nodded in satisfaction.

Then he looked at the nearly [-] cultists and psychic researchers.

He shouted: "Jiang's life, what he hates the most is... You guys... you raped the people who were the guide dogs for the evil spirits, and I hammered you to death... Gui grandchildren!"

While shouting, Jiang Che raised his sledgehammer, blood-colored power, demonic energy, gluttonous and terrifying physical power, and under the blessing, he slammed it down... smashed toward the body of the blood-colored evil god over there.

Bang!!!! Smoke and dust everywhere.

A terrified, angry voice came out.

"I'm so pretending to be dead, how do you see it?"

Wow! !Thank you Ming Xinliang for your 1000vip reward! !boss atmosphere

!Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! : …

:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

The [-]rd chapter is so miserable (the fifth update ~ please subscribe - from the author who is about to die suddenly)

The blood-colored evil god was completely stunned.

In this world! There are so many wise and demonic people who pretend to be dead so flawlessly.

It was seen through at a glance, "In terms of planning and calculation, my blood god would like to enshrine you as the strongest!"

The body of the Blood God turned into a phantom, stepped back a few steps, stared at Jiang Che and said in approval.

"It's easy to say, Jiang Mou does have the talent of Wolong and Phoenix, but I still prefer it.

Jiang Che was polite.

While the speed of his feet did not decrease at all, the sledgehammer swung it past.

What's wrong with you... The bloody complexion sank at that moment.

Can you be a little masterful? This is talking about words.

Your sledgehammer slammed bang bang!! The Blood God avoided the hammer in a very embarrassed manner.

He stared gloomily at Jiang Che.

"Four Four Three"

this person.

It's like oil and salt can't get in! And at the place where he was standing, a strange blood-colored pattern remained. This is one of his secret techniques of running. It can be activated with just one breath, which is half a sentence. Things, but this person is especially opposite.

Not even a chance to say a word.

You are a dog! Suddenly.

The blood god re-condensed, the face of that... extremely illusory head, gloomy.

An abyss-like coercion erupted from him.

Terrible killing intent.

Swept all over the place.

It made everyone's backs cold, and it almost felt like there was a knife around their necks.

"You forced this god! I didn't want to use this..."

The blood myth says half.

Bang!! A sledgehammer has smashed him into a deep pit.

Jiang Che's whole body is blessed by the terrifying physical power, the most original power of the blood-colored fierce god, the demonic energy of thousands of resentments and all monsters, and under the blessing of three terrifying powers, now he is like a tyrant.

Go down with a hammer.


A deep pit with a diameter of five hundred meters appeared at the foot of Jiang Che.

And inside the pit.

The blood god whose body was distorted by the smash.

This time, I don't try to talk nonsense anymore, I just want to slip away when I turn into a bloody afterimage.

Jiang Che rushed up, grabbed this god with his big hands, and swung the hammer to...

Damn it, it's so cruel! Looking at the blood god's body that is completely inhuman.

Everyone swallowed hard.

"Team Leader Jiang is too cruel."

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