"Do you want to be such a dog?"


Even many capable ones.

Some can't stand it.

They all lamented the fate of the blood god.

Alas! Too bad.

Such a miserable god.

He was hammered for a long time, he had to recognize the thief as his brother, and then he was sold by Master Jiang backhand. This experience is really sad for those who heard it, and tears for those who saw it.

How much psychological damage this must have caused to him, people dare not think about it.

I'm afraid this god will never believe in humans again...

Chapter [-]: Heping's Hammer (First Update ~ Sorry for the delay)

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 900 energy."

The black fissure completely swallowed the blood god.

A full ninety thousand energy points made Jiang Che ecstatic.

At the same time, bright red blood lines appeared on the surface of his body.

Jiang Che's breath instantly became: extremely terrifying and violent.

Like an evil spirit coming out of hell.

Jiang Che's blood-red eyes slowly looked at those... psychic researchers, and heretics.

In the face of these, the international criminals who brought disaster to the Hualong Empire, before coming, the Conspiracy Bureau also gave instructions to bombard and kill these people directly.

Jiang Che raised his sledgehammer.

The blood god, thousands of resentments, monsters, all the power that was swallowed up by Jiang Che, at this moment, all condensed in this hammer.

The entire Jiangwan Town was shrouded in a blood-black mist.

It's like the end of the world has come.

"Everyone, we Hualong Empire have always liked to settle things peacefully. Even though you caused such a big disaster, I don't want to embarrass you, so I just slapped everyone at will, I mean, it's a matter of courtesy, and then everyone will go back to their respective homes. Bar."

Jiang Che grinned.

All the cultists and researchers were stunned.

11 Shut up! Shameless old thief! You said so blatantly about the nuclear level settlement. You slammed it down like a missile!! We still need to go home and go back to God’s arms!!” Rao We live, we still have value!"

"I'm going to talk to your higher-ups, they definitely need me!"

"We are experts in psionic research, the Foundation, you save me, I will work for you for fifty years! No, forever!"

"Friends of the Hualong Empire, I have been engaged in psychic research for thirty-five years, save my life, don't let this lunatic do it."

In the face of this five-meter-high giant with a nine-meter sledgehammer.

A group of psychic researchers.

They were all terrified and incoherent, and their hearts trembled.

But they still have the confidence, their role is very huge, there will definitely be someone willing to keep themselves! It's a pity.

It was beyond their expectations.

At this moment, everyone quickly retreated.

Whether it is the people of the foundation or the relevant departments of the Hualong Empire.

No one wants to give them a second look.

In fact, it wasn't that everyone didn't want to consider their proposal, and some people were really tempted, but the problem was, who dared to stop Jiang Che who was unfamiliar with it, for fear that Jiang Che would be a brutal and savage man, and even himself would be hammered.

Familiar...and even more afraid to stop it.

Because people like Yu Chengfeng understood that Jiang Che was really a stubborn guy, the kind who never talked much about hammering.

After everyone left.

There was a lingering fear in my heart.

Just kidding! I bet you, we still want to live two more years! Leader Jiang's hammer fell, and when everyone in this operation, with their companions, retreated to the edge, a terrifying roar suddenly sounded. Blast.

Boom!!!!!!! Silent night, torn apart.

Jiangwan Town has a radius of hundreds of miles, and it is brightly illuminated.

The eyes of all the soldiers surrounding him widened.


"Nuclear bombs dropped!"

"Why is there no news from above?"

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