The pencil moved and a word was drawn.


Several people's eyes widened with excitement.

All of them are scumbags. If they rely on this, I am afraid they will be the first in the exams in the future.

Several boys have already imagined the scene where their parents buy themselves all kinds of good shoes and game consoles, even if their family is not rich.

"Fuck, hurry up, go on!"

Several people were all excited...

In the bedroom, the game continues.

However, no one knows that every question asked will have a corresponding price. There is no free lunch in this world.

After half an hour.

Downstairs in the dormitory, a middle-aged teacher with black-rimmed glasses, Yu Danian, came over. He is the head teacher of Class [-], very responsible, and often comes to the dormitory to check the bed.

Yu Danian walked into the dormitory area.

After reading 501's classmates, I said a few words and walked to 502 again.

Yu Danian frowned: "This is how early I closed 2.

8 lights to sleep"

In the 501 just now, I was all reading books seriously.


These kids don't yet understand the importance of learning."

With a sigh, Yu Danian slowly opened the door.

And this push of the door seems to have pushed open a barrier.

Heart-piercing screams came from 502.

And Yu Danian also wiped his glasses ruthlessly, and after confirming that he didn't see the dazzling eyes, his pupils shrank sharply, and he screamed in horror.

In the dormitory, there is a hell scene.

The two students were lying on the ground, and they were both being cut open by one of the strongest children, holding a knife, constantly cutting their arms, legs, throats, and their entire bodies.

The other two were even more miserable. One of them slammed into the wall, as if there was something terrible on his head. He slammed his head into blood and refused to stop.

Chapter [-] Pen Immortal, Prove Fermat's Last Theorem (Fourth Update ~ Sorry for being late)

The other student clasped his throat fiercely, as if something terrible had entered his throat.

Yu Danian was completely stunned.

at this time.

He noticed that next to a pencil on the table, stood a little boy the size of a palm. The entire head was twisted directly.

The mouth is split to the base of the ear:.

The little boy invited: "Would you like to play the pen fairy game?"

The voice was cold and intimidating.

Yu Danian broke out in a cold sweat, but looking at several students who were self-mutilating and killing each other, finally, the teacher's instinct overcame the fear, and he shouted: "Ah!! Let them go!"

Then he rushed straight towards the table.

The little boy smiled gloomily: "You will play the game of pen fairy one day."

His body disappeared.

Yu Danian knelt on the ground, panting heavily, a heart almost jumping out, saying that he was not afraid would be a lie.

And this time.

Several students, although their movements stopped, were already helpless.

Several people have completely died.

Even the tall and strong boy with the knife has stabbed himself several times.

Yu Danian saw the white paper on the table clearly, and he looked horrified: "I heard about the pen fairy game, the more questions you ask, the more you pay, these children... alas!"

The white paper is filled with dense answers...

When Jiang Che arrived.

A cordon has been set up here, and the students in the dormitory building have been ordered to go home first, but many faculty and staff are still surrounding outside the cordon and being questioned by the police, while Yu Danian is standing beside him with a lost face.

Jiang Che showed his special action card.

"This case is not something you can handle. Please clean up the scene and leave as soon as possible. I can come."

Several policemen glanced at Jiang Che's documents.

His expression changed suddenly.

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