Will the old lady take turns to run too fast and run fast! Breaking the hand is almost exhausting the strength of breastfeeding.

Eventually ran into a toilet on the third floor.

"Master Jiang, I had a student at the time, that is... the one who died in this toilet, the death was very tragic, with blood and tears in his eyes, his hands and feet were twisted up, and stuffed into the place of the toilet's ventilation fan, instead of the ventilation fan. After that, there were several waves of classmates going to the toilet during the day, but they didn't find her, and the girl who found her first was terrified."

Yu Danian hesitated.

"Let's be careful"

Jiang Che waved his hand: "Old Yu, have you forgotten the exorcism technique I taught you just now?"

Everyone was stunned.

"Two words: momentum!"

Jiang Che said sternly: "People are afraid of ghosts for three points, and ghosts are afraid of people seven points. As long as we are reckless, the ghosts can't scare us, and this time is our opportunity to fuck her directly, and go up and fuck her up. ,Understand"

"So it is! Master Jiang, I understand!"

Liu Zicheng was the first to support.

The little fat man also had bright eyes: "Go, fuck them."

Several people suddenly.

He regained his enthusiasm for doing two ghosts just now.

They raised the legs of the stools, the backs of the chairs, and were in high spirits.

Jiang Che smiled happily.

"Go! Fuck her."

He led the charge.

Several people rushed directly into the women's toilet.

As soon as they entered, a cold, bloody feeling suddenly made several people shudder.

The sound of dripping blood.

Especially harsh.

Several people saw blood dripping from the exhaust fan at the end of the toilet.

Tick ​​tock, although the slogan was good before.

But seeing this terrifying scene, several people still started to feel frightened.

Look up again.

They suddenly felt chills down their spines.

The original exhaust fan is gone, that... a small round hole in the wall, a girl in half red clothes was stuffed, her body was twisted into a weird shape, blood dripped from her eyes, and when she saw a few people, she With a weird smile.


Are you here to replace me?"

"Jie Jie"

The words are not finished.

The female ghost was horrified to see that a man suddenly appeared in front of her, and with a big hand, she dragged herself out, and then smashed it hard on the ground, shouting like thunder: "Fuck her!"

Then that group of people.

His eyes lit up and he rushed up.

The blunt weapon in his hand, facing her...a greeting.

One of them was a man of great strength and blood, and his methods were extremely cruel. He even thought...under this attack.

The ghosts were completely stunned.

You humans, now that Zhao is so fierce, is it so fierce? Seeing that the ghost is not afraid, don't fight there... The female ghost left tears of humiliation.

She was only a half-step red-clothed who didn't know much about the world, and she only killed more than ten people. I have never seen such a big scene, and I was directly awakened by Liu Zicheng, a capable person who only awakened, and a group of people who took mysterious items. Panicked.

And at this time.

Bang! With a bang, the toilet door slammed shut.

The lights dimmed.

A strong, violent grievance enveloped the entire toilet, and the temperature instantly dropped by dozens of degrees.

Everyone was horrified.

I feel that I am being targeted by an extremely terrifying thing, as long as the other party is willing, it can easily tear off everyone's head! Breathe good.


His back was soaked with sweat.

Several people swallowed hard, but did not dare to move.

Chapter [-] The Terrifying Old Man! (The fifth update ~ the author who is about to die suddenly asks for a wave of tickets and flowers) Thank you big guys

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