Suddenly he sighed.

Such a poor ghost.

Perhaps what she is experiencing now is called true despair.

Jiang Che dragged the female ghost and introduced to everyone: "Seeing that when we are facing evil spirits, we should still focus on persuasion, so you can say that this fierce ghost originally had a lot of obsessions and resentment, but in me Under the painstaking education, I finally became enlightened, and now I have voluntarily saved me."

"Come on, lady ghost, I will continue to surpass you."

The ghost's face finally relaxed.


When she heard this, it should be to set up a table, recite some strange incantations, sprinkle two handfuls of rice... Well, she was thinking.

How will this master find these things.

Then he saw Jiang Che swing the sledgehammer again.

"Wait....Master, you said that you have a good time to escape."

The female ghost looks bad.

Jiang Che gave an unfathomable smile: "This is my magic weapon. Come on, I'll give you a special flame effect, so that you can transcend faster and be more enjoyable."


The sledgehammer cracked.

Blazing flames rise.

The terrifying high temperature and yang swept the entire toilet.

Bang!! "Ah!!"

The female ghost screamed even more terribly.

Three minutes later, only a pool of blood ashes remained in the entire toilet.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 700 energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the host's energy exceeding 50, do you spend 10 energy to upgrade?"

That's kind of a pain in the ass.

Upgrading costs one-fifth of the current energy.

Jiang Che hesitated for a while.

Finally, he gritted his teeth: "Upgrade!"

"Ding, the system upgrade starts. During the upgrade, it will not affect the normal use of functions."

The reason why he is willing to spend a lot of money is because Jiang Che understands that the so-called upgrade does not only mean new functions.

The benefit brought by the system upgrade is an overall improvement! First of all, Jiang Che's enhancement can only be as strong as a Tier [-] item at present.

After upgrading, it can be strengthened to Tier 4.

Then there is..., select the function, after the system is upgraded, you can directly spend energy to select the permanent beast soul power.

Jiang Che still remembers the power of the gluttonous beast soul.

"Okay, the ghosts in the school, I've almost saved myself. If there are... a few grievances or something, Liu Zicheng can also solve it, so I'll go back first."

"In addition, I will teach you the skills to deal with some unjust ghosts, ordinary ghosts, powerful ghosts, and red evil things on your body, don't hit them."

Finally, Jiang Che waved his hand.

Leaving in the middle of everyone's farewell...

the other side.

Outside Dayuan City.

The swords were drawn and the sword was drawn.

A man in a suit holding a three-foot green front, with Qi Yuan standing beside him, there are more than [-] people with level ability, and more than [-] people with level ability.

All capable, all in cold sweat.

And more than a thousand meters behind them.

There was even an army of [-] people stationed in combat.

It is equipped with powerful destructive weapons.

All looked serious.

The man in the suit is Luo Ji, deputy director of Dayuan City.

His eyes flashed with fiery azure light, his breath was terrifying, and a terrifying storm surrounded his body. A layer of high-speed whirlwind on the surface of his body might be able to cut through the highest density alloy in the world.

The Frost Sword in Qi Yuan's hand was also condensed long ago.

The two powerhouses both emitted extremely dangerous auras and stared straight ahead.

And in front of everyone.

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