This... sledgehammer, at present, is only a third-order item that inherited the Crazy Flame Hammer.

And now, Jiang Che can strengthen up to fourth-order 4 items.

: Sorry, I made a mistake in the estimation. Jiang Dachui will not be able to shoot until the next chapter, but please rest assured, Jiang Dachui will never exceed a chapter. The author still has this morality, and he will never waste words in battle. Like others, a battle has more than ten chapters, and I end the battle within one chapter. Of course, those things were necessary before, otherwise the power of the evil daoist would not be highlighted. It's no fun at all to die a dispensable passerby

Chapter [-] Stay away from him

"Ding, do you spend 1 amount to strengthen the Hellfire Hammer?"


"Ding, do you need to spend 2 to strengthen the Hellfire Hammer + 1 Jiang Che?"



With [-] energy spent.

The Hellfire Suppressing Hammer has become: , as thick as an abyss, the blazing fire almost distorts the air.

The sledgehammer was in his hand at this time.

Jiang Che directly possessed a huge strength of [-] million catties.

If you add a silver card, I am afraid it can reach a terrifying power of three million kilograms, and a hammer can knock down a twenty-story high-rise building.

Then Jiang Che breathed a little too fast.

Reluctantly shouted: "Continue to strengthen!"

"Ding, do you spend 1 energy to strengthen the Hellfire Hammer +5 Jiang Che"

From third-order items to the boundaries of fourth-order 4 items.

It took 10 full quantities of Jiang Che to feel the heartache, but he also understood that the so-called 4th-order [-]th item was absolutely overwhelming.

One hundred thousand energy.

Absolutely no loss! "Strengthen."

With one hundred thousand energy thrown out.

A terrifying wave descended into the void, and the Hellfire Suppressing Hammer was directly recast. Nearly ten minutes later, a giant hammer that was ten times thicker than before appeared in Jiang Che's hand.

8 terrifying pressures.

It directly covers a radius of ten miles.

Jiang Che's eyes lit up, as if he was looking at a new daughter-in-law.

this hammer.

It's really cool! The dark chains are like a giant dragon with horned knots surrounding it.

The whole hammer weighs [-] pounds.

It's twice as heavy as a golden hoop.

One after another weak, but terrifying flames burned directly to the point where the void on the surface of the hammer was distorted.

Hell Suppressing Heaven Hammer: Breaking Five, Forgetting River, Shattering Ghost Pass, One Hammer Smashing Buzhou Mountain, Hell Suppressing Heaven and Ghosts Become Immortals! - Hell Fire Suppressing Heaven, Ghost Immortal Ruyi Special Ability: Hell Suppressing Heavenly Tribulation .

Hellfire is a supreme power that can suppress hell and burn all ghosts.

The power of suppressing the sky is incomparably violent. If Jiang Che uses a silver card, and then holds this handle... a sledgehammer, it can blast out a terrifying force of tens of millions of kilograms, and it can crush almost everything, even a superpower. ..., and definitely can't withstand his hammer, and it's a hammer that relies purely on strength.

The attributes of the ghost fairy are very special, it seems that among the hammers, there is one soul attached to it, one of the three souls and seven souls of the ancient ghost fairy.

within a day.

Can be used once.

Allows the user to temporarily control part of the power of the ghost.

Hell's Suppression of Heavenly Tribulation is terrifying.

Jiang Che's heart trembled as soon as he thought of using this ability, and it seemed that it would cause a great disaster.

Anyway...he didn't dare to test the strength of the sledgehammer in the city.

Afraid that he would be invited to tea, he asked him why he had destroyed more than a dozen houses.

"This sledgehammer with [-] energy is definitely not a loss!"

Jiang Che was almost in love with the Hell Suppressing Heaven Hammer.

And then the remaining [-] energies.

He started drawing cards.

"Draw a silver card."

"Ding, do you spend 100 energy to extract silver?"Yes."


with two draws.

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