The last remaining 580 energy.

Jiang Che picked out a few bronze cards and whiteboard cards at random.


All energy is consumed.

But Jiang Che's current strength, compared to before, is completely different.

To put it simply, now he can hit ten 10s against his previous self! And this time.

The phone rang.

It was Li Yuanyu, with a hurried voice.

"Big Brother Jiang..."

Wait until he finishes telling what happened.

Jiang Che immediately said: "Don't worry, I'll be there soon."

"Also, back away now, stay away from that... evil Daoist."

Chapter [-] Our nuclear weapons are on their way! (The fifth update~He is coming!)

After Jiang Che finished speaking, he hung up the phone, his eyes lit up.

Just wanted to sleep, here comes the pillow.

Lao Tzu's sledgehammer.

Already hungry and thirsty! He walked out with the Hammer of Hell Suppression.

On the streets of Dayuan City, one by one pedestrians were all startled.


"something has passed"

"I seem to see a macho man with a sledgehammer."

"That's not right, this street is so long, I can't see people at all when I look at it for a few kilometers. Could it be that I think too much about the macho?"

A long-legged girl shook her head in confusion.

" wig?"

As soon as a programmer walked out of the door of the company, he saw a gust of wind blowing.

On the other side of the live broadcast room.

Someone suspiciously typed a barrage: "Damn it, just now there seemed to be a plane driving past downstairs, and the sound was "buzzing"


"God's a plane."

Another barrage was speechless: "That's clearly a strong man with a sledgehammer. I saw him at NTU."

"its not right."

"Look in the direction of this one."

"It seems to be going to the place where the conspiracy and the evil Taoist are fighting."

"Damn it,! Could this be... the fierce guy who went to support."

"Absolutely! That hammer, I feel a sting in my eyes just by looking at it."

A small number of people in the live broadcast room are looking forward to it.

In fact, most people don't pay much attention to it.

Because there are too many capable people rushing over now.

the other side.

After listening to Li Yuanyu's words.

Han Tian, ​​who was in the middle of the battlefield, immediately changed his expression and shouted: "Quick! Get out of the way!"

"Senior Ye Ming, I don't have time to explain, so step back and let the evil people go."

He finished.

Don't even care about other people.

The first one ran out.

Others are puzzled.

Han Tian shouted directly: "Master Jiang is coming, with his hammer."

A crowd of deceitful people heard this.

First, he was stunned for a second.


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