The Empire has no restrictions on... those who enter the restricted area.

Among these people, there may be perverted murderers, and there may be criminals on the run.

Jiang Che didn't matter, he just got into a carriage.


The train starts.

Jiang Che looked at the people in the car.

Apart from Xu Zhen, there was a fat monk with a smile on his face.

There is a strong man with a fire axe, his eyes are calm, and he seems to be from the military.

There is also a social man, with dragon and phoenix tattooed on his arm, carrying two watermelon knives.

The other is an office worker with a leather bag.

There are two men with no discernible occupation.

The last two, to everyone's surprise, were actually a pair of young twins.

"The two brothers awakened together, but luck is... very good."

Zhang Long, a socialite, laughed, as if he wanted to make friends, and patted one of the twins.

The two just smiled shyly.

did not speak.

At this time, Xu Zhen, after seeing the people in the car, subconsciously approached Jiang Che.

The expression on her face was like seeing a ghost.

Because she clearly remembers that there are no twins in the [-]-person team!! "Brother Jiang, it started, and it started before we stopped."

Her tone was very flustered, obviously not expecting this situation.

Jiang Che was taken aback: "Clam"

Xu Zhen didn't dare to say it, he squeezed his hand, and pointed to the twins very vaguely.

Jiang Che was stunned for a moment and saw it.

One of the twins seemed to want to go to the toilet, but as soon as he walked behind Zhang Long, his eyes suddenly became gloomy, and the superficial skin became stiff and blue, and when he twisted his hands, he was instantly restrained. , Zhang Long's neck.

And the other sat opposite Zhang Long.

It was like a beast pounced on Zhang Long.

Zhang Long was startled, and the watermelon knife flickered with terrifying electric lights, and he slashed it down, and the Zhao Nuo and Zhao twins in front of him were split off one leg.

Blood splattered.

However, the other party was like a beast, with needle-like hair growing all over his body, his skin burst, revealing a ferocious look, he threw himself up and bit Zhang Long's ear in one bite, tore it off, and spit it out. , the sharp teeth gnawed at Zhang Long's nose again.

Zhang Long was strangled at the moment.

There is absolutely no resistance at all.

In one breath, the ears and nose are all gone.

Just when the twins in front of him were about to bite his throat.

With a low shout, a fire-fighting axe slashed into the twins, one person's body, this axe, as powerful as an ox, directly tore the twins who restrained the social person into two pieces. responsibility.

"Get out of the way!"

Liang Jianguo, a veteran, pulled Zhang Long's arm.

at this time.

Jiang Che stood up.

A hammer smashed to - Zhang Long.

Chapter [-]: No Man's Paradise (First, sorry for being late)

"Brother Jiang, did you hit the wrong person?"

Xu Zhen wondered.

The rest of the people in the carriage looked at Jiang Che and suddenly became sharp.

Helping evil spirits is either a murderer or an evil spirit! And this time.

Suddenly, a miserable howl sounded.


The veteran, Liang Jianguo, covered his left hand in pain.

His four fingers were cut off by a watermelon knife with an electric arc, Keegan.

Boom!! Brain shattered.

Everyone was startled and looked at Zhang Long who had no head.

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