Liang Jianguo shouted in a deep voice, and wanted to move forward with a fire axe.

Immediately, he felt a pain in his lower back, and a trace of blood dripped down.

"Don't move!"

Kuzhu shouted in a deep voice: "After the soul-eating demon has hooked a person, its power is the strongest, and it can affect an entire area. At this time, it can only find a chance to run away after it has finished its soul-sucking."

at this time.

In the fog, Jiang Che's voice suddenly sounded.

"Did you miss a word?"

Everyone was stunned.

The ghost demon was also stunned.

"I'm missing something"

Then I heard Jiang Che say slowly: "In addition to the previous ones... you should actually add one more method to your death."

"Smashed to death by a sledgehammer! Take a look at the top of your head to see if there is a sledgehammer"

His voice just fell.

The sledgehammer in his hand suddenly enlarged into a [-]-meter gigantic hammer. On it, terrifying fires burned, causing the space to be distorted.

The ghosts were stunned.

Damn, what a big hammer! What a fire this is.

Why do I feel suffocated just by looking at it.

its not right.

Didn't Lao Tzu die long ago? Suffocate a hammer! Bang!!! The sledgehammer fell with a bang.

Terrible loud noise.

Makes everyone a thrill.

Damn, this is too violent. Everyone is capable, why are you alone? "Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 400 energy."

Jiang Che's eyes lit up.

Put away the hammer and walk back.

"It's alright, I just met a brother with the same name as me. We fought a duel between men to fight for this name. In the end, I came out on top and hammered him to death. He promised that he would never do it again. Use this name."

The crowd was speechless for a while.

You are the devil! Everyone was hammered to death by you.

You can also use a snakeskin name! Several people continued to move forward, and when they passed the children's area, they heard a silver bell-like laughter.


"Come and catch me"

"Can't catch can't catch!"

"If you can't catch me, I'll catch you guys."

"Brothers and sisters!"

At first everyone's face was very calm, this game 1.

In the 2 games, there were too many strange things, and there were all kinds of strange noises in the surrounding buildings along the way.

But when they heard the last sentence, everyone's expressions changed.

They looked at the children's area.

This is a place specially prepared for young children in the amusement park.

There are many cartoon plastic slides, houses, animal models, building blocks and other things in it. Many children like to chase and play in it, and it is also a very good scene in normal times.

In such an unmanned amusement park.

Hearing the innocent slaps of these children again, it seemed a little intimidating.

Several people were suddenly surprised.

On a plastic slide, a little girl seemed to climb up. Due to the angle, everyone could only see her head, and she showed a happy smile at several people.

But when I saw her slide down.

Everyone felt chills down their spines.

Chapter [-] Let Uncle Hit a Hammer! (The third update ~ please subscribe)

It stands to reason that when a child slides down a slide, his head is either up or down.

But this little girl, when she slid down, her head was for a while...up, and for a while...down.

It was as if she slipped down with only one head.

Several people were breathing heavily.

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