
in the dark.

The old voice was astonished,

At this time, Jiang Che was already carrying the mace and rushed towards the male doctor.

After controlling some of Zhu Yan's power, Jiang Che's perception was also improved.

He knew that this male doctor was not easy.

Seeing him kill the Taoist priest with a hammer.

Male doctors also dare not underestimate the enemy.

He opened his mouth and let out a strange roar. The woman with the broken leg turned into a cloud of black mist and got into the male doctor's body. Then, on his body, strange dark lines appeared. The momentum has instantly increased several times!

"Ghost repair?"

Jiang Che remembered.

in this event description.

There were two Taoist priests and one ghost cultivator, all of which were destroyed. Now it seems that they have all been refined into living corpses.


The male doctor let out a furious roar.

But he didn't wait for him to make a move.

A mace flew over, and with a loud bang, smashed the male doctor into pieces.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 350 energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the host's energy exceeding 1000 points, and opening the permission to extract bronze-quality exotic beast cards."

Bronze Card: Obtain the 'weak' power of the strange beasts of mountains and seas, three abilities, last for 10 minutes, when the duration expires, you can obtain permanent enhancement of physique, qi and blood, and there is a [-]% chance to permanently obtain one ability of the alien beast.

The power that can be obtained has changed from "extremely weak" to "weak".

Although it sounds very ordinary, but looking at the "extremely weak" power that Jiang Che is using now, a 0.8-meter-thick load-bearing wall disappears with a hammer, and you should know how terrifying this so-called "weak" power is. .

The available abilities have become three.

Whether it's Bi Fang's "Yuyan" last time or Zhu Yan's "magic power" this time, the lethality is clearly powerful. Jiang Che is looking forward to it. After using a Bronze Beast Card, he may It will transform into a humanoid behemoth, strangling everything!

And this time.


The old voice resounded in the model room with infinite anger.

with his roar.

The group of living corpses seemed to have received some orders, but they all retreated and ran towards the iron gate.

Jiang Che chased after him with a hammer.

"Don't go, aren't you so miserable, I'm here to save you! I'm here to replace you!"

"Everyone stop, I'll show you a big baby!"

Jiang Che chased after him.

Hammer on one side.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 25 energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 35 energy."


Consecutive system prompts.

As Jiang Che swung the hammer again and again, the energy of the system increased steadily.

And until you escape the iron gate.

There are already less than twenty of these living corpses, and there are more than ten, all of them died under Jiang Che's sledgehammer. In this scene, seeing the existence in the dark, my heart hurts so much that I can't breathe, what are you...knowing about training How expensive is it to make these zombies!How much effort does it take?

"Junior, damn you!"

The old voice echoed in the empty basement, full of resentment.

Jiang Che was on the verge of killing.

Backhand smashed another dead body.

Looking up to speak.

I found that the surrounding scene suddenly changed.

All the previous medical equipment and sundries had disappeared, and he had already appeared in a morgue, sitting on a stool with a desk and a computer in front of him, with the medical topics he had recently researched.

In the surrounding scene, there is a bed frame and a freezer specially designed for corpses.

What's the situation?

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