"Couples who ride the Ferris wheel together will eventually break up."


The woman was surprised with a "but."

Zheng Yunlong smiled: "If the couple kisses each other at the peak, then they will be together forever!"

The woman paused for three seconds, and patted the fat man lightly with one hand: "You are too bad"

And this time.

The Ferris wheel just reached its peak.

Fatty was just about to lower his head and kiss the woman, when he suddenly noticed from the corner of his eye that there seemed to be something under the table and chair opposite, but the light was a little dim, so he couldn't see clearly, he just felt a little familiar, it seemed to be something... Clothes and certainly the clothes of someone he had only seen recently.

"what is that"

Zheng Yunlong asked.

"It may be the clothes left by the previous tourists."

The woman said casually.

"But, why do I feel that this dress is bulging?"

Zheng Yunlong seemed to want to get up to check.

The woman said quietly: "Brother Zheng, now that you have reached the peak, don't you want to be with me forever?"

The voice is soft to the bone.

He almost made Zheng Yunlong's legs go soft.

He immediately sat down again.

Then he closed his eyes and kissed affectionately.

But suddenly.

Bang!! A loud noise came from below, and the Ferris wheel shook violently.

The things under the table and chair in front of him were also shaken and rolled out, and the fat man opened his eyes and his body suddenly stiffened.

A cold air rushed to his forehead from the soles of his feet, and his whole person was almost stupid.

That thing, it was a broken corpse.

And this corpse, Zheng Yunlong knew, was a man who was sitting next to him not long ago on the train together.

Wait...! Zheng Yunlong suddenly felt a tumult in his mind.

Like a paste.

At the death platform of the train, he was confused for three seconds, and suddenly remembered a creepy thing.

That is... I am in a place where there is absolutely no possibility of living people! I have soaked in a girl and this woman - Zheng Yunlong swallowed hard, lowered his head slowly, and then he saw a picture, The broken, twisted woman's face was smiling at him.

"Brother Zheng, are you going to kiss me?"

"Why don't you continue?"

"Don't you want to be with me forever?"

The woman exclaimed bitterly.

Just scared the fat man.

Let out a scream.


But after calling, he suddenly remembered.

I am a capable person! "Humph!"

Zheng Yunlong sneered: "Evil, you are afraid that you are looking for the wrong person, earth-bound cable, town!!"

He roared wildly.


From the ground stretched out a mud chain that was more than three meters long and thicker than an adult's leg.

And then...it's useless.

Ferris wheel top.

Where is the three meters that can be reached, and glanced at his feet, Zheng Yunlong's face suddenly turned pale, and he was about to cry: "Damn, why is this so high in such a high place?"

He is a terrestrial capable person.

The ability is very strong, but it must rely on the earth to display.

Leaving Zhao Nuo and Zhao on the ground, he will be useless.

"Jie Jie"

At this time, the man smiled sullenly, and a black and red force imprisoned the fat man.

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