Bang!!! Terrible loud noise.

When the hammer went down, the walls of Zhao Nuo and Zhao on both sides were directly smashed into pieces, and the entire secret room was directly smashed into the ground under one hammer.

Jiang Che put away his sledgehammer and strode over.

"Where are you, I'm here to save you!"

"Come out."

Although I was terrified.

But the crowd remained silent for a while.

You save people.

Can I be a little sincere? At this time, a very resentful voice also sounded.

"You ruined Dad's prop, I'm going to kill you and make you a more terrifying prop!"

A little boy whose body was pale, like a mass of ice, but his eyes were dark, as deep as an abyss, suddenly rose into the sky from the huge pit, suspended in mid-air, a violent, terrifying and unimaginable coercion, Cover all around.

throughout the amusement park.

One after another, the powerful, Specter, their eyes widened and looked in the direction of the haunted house.


Some capable people shouted these two words tremblingly.

Chapter [-]: Battle Thoughts of Hanging Ratio (Second Update~Subscribe)

Feel the horror that rises in the amusement park.

Most of the capable people put down the things in their hands and found a hidden place to hide.

There are also some strong people who don't care.

Under the jumping machine area.

A man with a calm face was confronting more than a dozen Specters whose bodies were shattered and their clothes turned purple.

Men outside the body.

A golden tiger appeared.

His whole person, like a hunter in the jungle, exudes an extremely dangerous aura.

More than a dozen ghosts with breaths close to the top red-clothed ghosts were all shocked by him, and kept roaring, but did not dare to make a move.

On the other side, eight people climbed up the jumping machine and seemed to be rummaging for something.

At this time, the man suddenly turned his head and looked in one direction.

There was a fierce light in his eyes, a cold light.

"Who is so reckless and dare to provoke evil spirits, not to mention the strange powers of evil spirits here, just beheading one evil spirit, the mark of the will of the death platform, is enough to drink a pot!"

"It should be a newcomer who doesn't know anything,"

The man sighed.

"Hey, I hope you don't speed up the arrival of the supervisor because of this, after all, even me, I'm not sure about that ghost!"


Outside the merry-go-round area, a woman holding a purple moon blade ran out of afterimages, behind her, chasing three, with extremely powerful breaths, reaching the top red-clothed ghost.

The woman walks lightly and swiftly.

It was like the elf under the moonlight, turning three terrifying ghosts around in circles.

In the merry-go-round area, several people eagerly rummaged through the obsessions of the three Specter Ghosts.

Suddenly, the woman's steps trembled.

Looking in one direction in surprise.

"Who provoked Evil Yi Huang Tianhu, or Tang Zi!"

"Don't they know that the more evil people beheaded, the more dangerous intruders will be marked by the death platform, and it is this group of people who are mainly eliminated by the supervisors in the end."


In a high-rise building on the edge of an amusement park.

A sexy and intellectual black-silk royal sister wearing black-rimmed glasses stepped into a house.

There seemed to be a sound of chopping something from the kitchen.

There was also a strange noise in the closet.

But the woman didn't care at all, instead, she looked at the place with interest and observed the details of the house.

"The window of the living room is broken. Judging from the shape, it may have been smashed by a humanoid at high speed, and this angle and direction seems to be exactly the distance that a high-speed rotating facility in an amusement park can reach."

The woman walks slowly through the house.

Suddenly there were some strange footsteps outside the door.

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