They didn't see the scene where Jiang Che walked out.

So at this moment, after learning that the supervisor was dispatched, everyone panicked.

After finding a good hiding spot.

One by one, listening to the terrifying footsteps, feeling the vibration of the ground, one by one, their hearts trembled.

"This is's too scary."

"Just the rhythm of my footsteps made my chest churn and I almost wanted to vomit blood."

"What level of evil is this!"

"The magnitude is at least [-]."

A harsh voice spoke up.

Several people were immediately shocked: "Really, Huang Tianhu can't, right? Forty thousand orders, this is already a medium evil. No one of us here can stand this kind of existence."

A few people all know 0... Although the three big bosses are strong, all of them are only beginners, and their magnitudes are all below [-].

"That's right, the regulator is a platform of death, an existence that is absolutely irresistible."

Huang Tianhu said solemnly: "On the one hand, it cannot be confronted, but even if it can be confronted, absolutely do not provoke it, because they themselves constitute the basic will of this world."

"What will happen if you move"

Someone asked curiously.

"First, it will be marked by the will of the world. All sneaky people will have resentment towards this person."

Huang Tianhu said coldly: "Secondly, there are no people who killed the supervisor, but they all died on the death platform in the end. I speculate that the owner here may have shot, because according to the rules of the game, the supervisor is...  Those who came to slaughter us, we dared to resist, are... against its will."

"The third, and most elusive, point."

Huang Tianhu pondered for a while: "Actually, not everyone who goes out has lost their memory. Those with special abilities have become the fish that slip through the net. It's just that you can't get in touch. I also learned from him that someone once killed a a watchdog, and then something terrible happened."

"a horrible thing"

Everyone was surprised and pricked up their ears.

"When they killed the supervisor of the first place, because the will that made up this world was reduced by one, the composition of this world was also loosened and changed. When everyone took the train to the second place, that 4.

5 miles has become a mortal hell!"

Huang Tianhu's voice was low and dangerous.

It seems to be warning some people.

"Mortal hell, why"

Everyone was puzzled.

"the reason is simple."

At this time, a cold female voice sounded: "That time, the boundaries of the four 44 areas in the rear were shortened, which is equivalent to the train arriving at the four 44 terror areas at one time. There is only death, and only that person came back alive back then, and he also jumped in one fell swoop and became a guest of the foundation."

hear this.

Everyone took a deep breath.

How terrifying it must be for four 44 areas to gather together! I am afraid that there are more than ten of them! This kind of power can conquer a big city.

Chapter [-]: Hellfire, Phoenix Flame

"in addition."

Fang Ruyue, who was holding a moon blade, continued: "Supervisor, there is no one below the order of fifty thousand."

"The first scene supervisor is on the order of [-]+, the second, [-]+.

By analogy, the supervisor of the last place will be a top-level evil with an order of more than [-]!"

Hear her words.

everyone around.

His eyes widened, his breathing stagnated, and he was completely shocked and dumbfounded.

After a long time, they finally exclaimed in a low voice.


"Is it so scary?"

"The [-]-level is a threshold. Evils above this level are classified as high-threat level. At least three strong men of the same level must be present before they can fight. This is too exciting! Let's face this evil."

"What the hell is this place, I always feel like there is no way out."

"I'm so sorry!"

"If I knew it was so dangerous, I wouldn't come to this ghost place if I were killed."

Several high-level powerhouses watched this scene coldly.

In the end, it was Sister Heisi. Tang Zi opened his mouth and said disdainfully, "Dangerously, after you enter this 05 mile, everyone will now have no less than two spirit medicines, or a mysterious item."

"Danger and opportunity always go hand in hand."

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