As the quaint turntable turned and stopped, a one-legged divine bird with red spots and a white beak appeared in front of Jiang Che. The eyes of the divine bird were two blazing flames. The air seemed to be hot, and a stream of light flashed. The phantom of this divine bird turned into a simple and mysterious card and appeared in Jiang Che's hand.

He touched the card, which was still slightly hot.

An explanation suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Che's eyes.

Whiteboard Card: You can obtain the 'extremely weak' power of the strange beasts of mountains and seas, as well as an ability that lasts for fifteen minutes. When the duration expires, you can obtain a permanent increase in physique, qi and blood, and there is a 1% chance to permanently obtain the power of an alien beast. item ability.Use silently to use the card.

Bi Fang (white board): There is a bird, its shape is like a crane, one foot, red and green, and a white beak. It is called Bi Fang, and its singing is also called by itself. If you see it, there is corruption in the city.

"Get the power of mountains and seas? Awesome!"

"And this is just a whiteboard card. Will there be higher-quality cards that can get more power?"

"If that's the case, it's probably not impossible to directly incarnate those mysterious mountain and sea beasts that overturn mountains and seas!"

Jiang Che's eyes lit up.

But he also knew.

To reach the point of true incarnation, it is still too far.

But have this ability.

In this increasingly abnormal world, it can be said that there is a foothold!

Jiang Che looked at Ye Liangchen's door.

In his eyes, a cold light flashed.

He clearly remembered.

When the system is turned on, it means that it senses the evil spirit!

He held Bifangka in his hand.

Quietly open the door.

He walked to Ye Liangchen's door and listened carefully to the movement inside.


With his ears on the door, Jiang Che's body suddenly froze. He clearly remembered that Ye Liangchen slept deeper than a dead pig. He was obviously drunk, but now he heard the sound of chewing?

This is so weird.

There was a faint smell of blood.

Through the door, it was introduced into Jiang Che's nose.

He was short of breath.

Understand that we can't wait any longer.

Hold the mystery card in your hand.

Heart down.

Jiang Che kicked the door directly, and at the same time quickly picked up a stool in the living room and rushed in.

Not his coward.

Something happened to this kid Ye Liangchen.

He Jiang Che can't just sit back and watch!

The two have known each other since high school, and it was a lifelong friendship.

That fight with the Sports Institute almost killed him and caused a lot of trouble. Jiang Che was just an orphan. The school's original intention was to expel him and put an end to the matter.

It was Ye Liangchen who begged his father to take action and used some energy to suppress this matter so that Jiang Che could continue to study.

Although his education was of little significance to Jiang Che, he accepted it.


A loud bang.

The door was knocked open.

Ye Liangchen squatted on the table in a very strange posture, holding a dead chicken, his mouth was full of blood.

Seeing Jiang Che come in, his scarlet eyes widened, looking extremely strange.

"Squeak ~ bad old man is good, I want you to pay for your life!!"

The hoarse voice was extremely jerky.

At the same time, a strange smile appeared on Ye Liangchen's face.

"Let me pay for my life, right?" Jiang Che also laughed: "I'm here, don't run, I'll pay for your life!"

He just strode up.

The steel bench in his hand made a harsh sound on the floor tiles.

Such a foolish gesture.

It was directly caused by the strangeness of the possessed Ye Liangchen, his expression was stagnant, and some could not react.

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