All the evil spirits left Jiang Che's carriage in horror.

Inside the carriage, Jiang Che smashed the giant ghost and threw it out.

He clapped his hands.

Bored and continued to wait for the fish to take the bait.

When the train passed through a canyon, the fog around it suddenly became five or six times thicker, and the two sides of the train were no longer dilapidated cities, but instead became contiguous cemeteries.

This car turned out to be driving in a cemetery! And these... graves seem to have assembled the entire city and all the cemeteries together.

There are formal tombs, as well as countless solitary tombs, wild tombs, and even earthen tombs.

This wasteland looked eerily eerie.

Seeing the scene outside the window, everyone felt their scalps numb and horrified.

"It's so cold, why is it so cold all of a sudden"

Huang Mao was surprised: "It's a cemetery outside the window, and it's not the North Pole. Has the temperature dropped so much?"

The Taoist priest's face became gloomy: "This is not ordinary cold, but gloomy and cold, here, there must be a big evil! This is a fierce land, unimaginable fierce land!"

The voice just fell 05.

Bang!! A loud noise startled everyone.

Especially the people in this car.

They looked up and saw, outside the window, a pale woman's face, clinging to the glass.

It was this ghastly thing just now that almost knocked over the train.

"What the hell is this scary!"

Ding Yang was surprised.

Fortunately, the ghost was still blocked by glass after all.

Several people breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ghouls, strange things formed by the combination of human corpses and after-death souls."

The Taoist said solemnly: "This kind of thing is extremely terrifying. When you smash her shape, she will immediately become sneaky again, and it is hard to prevent!"

Zuo Qiwen also said sharply: "This thing is called a corpse fairy in our place. When I was a child, there was a corpse fairy in the village, and I was the only one who survived."

And this time.

outside the window.

The woman appears to be sticking out her long fingernails, trying to pry open the window.


A crisp click.

Inside the car, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Feeling flaky all over.

On the window, the vines and talismans were torn open, and the window opened with a slam...  

This scene.

Happened in several cars.

In this cemetery, all the evil spirits that rushed out have actually reached the evil level.

Although not many.

But as soon as you start.

It's just... crushing most of the people's means, directly opening the window, and rushing into the carriage.

And the other side.

Jiang Che was in the carriage.

One at a time... rushed in, an evil spirit with scars all over his body, a tragic ghost, a little confused.

It looked at the carriage.

Windows and doors open all over.

Can not help but stunned.

"Aren't you afraid?"

it asked in a hoarse voice.

The people in the carriage looked at it with admiration, and heard the question.

Xu Zhen hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Aren't you afraid?"

Miserable Ghost: What the hell kind of question is this?

I am a ghost.

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