And this time.

outside the window.

A woman's figure suddenly appeared.

I tried to come in again from the previous window, but this time, no matter how it was buckled, the window could not be opened.

The woman tried a few times.

An angry expression appeared on his face.

She suddenly turned her head and looked at the remaining two windows.

"not good!"

Several people were surprised.

Lu Meng gritted his teeth, took out a blood-colored seed, and pressed it on a window. Suddenly, a group of blood-red vines grew rapidly, directly locking the window.

Zuo Qiwen took out an amulet and wanted to press it on another window.

But a pale hand had already reached in, slapped Zuo Qiwen into the air, and slammed into the other side of the car wall with a loud 'bang!'

Chapter [-] You take this back to me! (The first update ~ please subscribe)

"caught you"

The female ghoul, who was half-stretched into the window, grinned at the crowd. The corner of her mouth was torn open, and her ears were cracked. Under the flesh, it was not scarlet, but a state of decay, and maggots were crawling. It gave off a foul odor.

It was like a carrion that had been buried deep underground for years.

Everyone felt that the hairs on their bodies stood on end, as if they were being stared at by a poisonous snake.


Huang Mao suddenly roared, and a terrifying cold air burst out from his body.

One of his hands turned into a blue ice state: "Get out of the way!!"

Huang Mao shouted.

A few people who had intended to take action took a few steps back.

He put his palm on the female ghost's head.

From where his palms touched, a layer of ice crystals spread.

In the blink of an eye, the female ghoul was covered in frost and motionless.

Huang Mao gritted his teeth: "Ding Yang, get her down!"

The iron tower strong man suddenly slapped the female ghost's chest with a big steel hand, as if a truck hit it and smashed the female ghost away, but at the same time, the yellow-haired arm also fell with the female ghost. go down.

Ding Yang's eyes widened: "Liu Jie, you!"

Huang Mao covered the broken arm on his shoulder, and he used the power of frost to seal it up so that it wouldn't bleed.

But you can still see that he is in pain.

Cold sweat broke down on Huang Mao's face, and he said with difficulty: "There is no way, if you don't seal her, everyone will die."

space for speech.

There was already a young man, Zhang Qidong picked up the talisman on the ground and planned to paste the last window.

But at this time.


A crisp sound of ice breaking, resounded outside the window.

Everyone's face changed greatly.

After all, Huang Mao was just a level, even if he gave an arm, it would take at most one breath to freeze the female corpse.

And what makes people desperate is.

Zhang Qidong walked halfway, and his figure stagnated. He suddenly stretched out his hand to buckle his neck and shouted: "Don't! Woohoo!"

It seemed that something invisible was strangling his neck.

Several people's faces suddenly became difficult to look at.

"In this carriage, there has always been an evil spirit!"

In their hearts, this chilling thought appeared at the same time.

Think back to before.

The one who turned into yellow hair... When the ghost shot, there was also an invisible evil spirit cooperating.

At that time, several people thought that it was the power that turned into a ghost, or the thing that was sealed behind the door.

Now it seems.

Everyone was wrong.

The first time the window was opened, three ghosts came in! And now.

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