Holy crap! Well played.

What are you doing? You have something to say, can't you? The female ghost swayed, trying to escape.

But at this moment, Jiang Che opened his mouth and let out a roar like a wild beast.


Under the shock of fear.

The woman's face was pale and her body froze instantly.

The sledgehammer crashed down, Hell Town.

Fire ravaged.

BANG!!!!!! Terrible loud noise.

Under the blessing of two Bronze Exotic Beast Cards at the level of the reckless man.

This hammer directly caused the earth to vibrate violently.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 5.

5 quantity.”

In addition to the few maids and servants I killed just now.

Jiang Che's energy actually reached [-] in one fell swoop.

And just after Jiang Che beheaded the maid.

The whole world seemed to sway for a while, and then, the thick fog around it seemed to become: a little lighter, and the whole world of Death Platform was undergoing some changes.

Five ghosts in 55 scenes, all died, this is a death platform, which has never had a precedent.

Click! Click! Click! Click! Four sounds of the door opening.

In the deepest part of the thick fog, the four most terrifying monsters in this world stepped out.

The terrifying loud noise made the ground tremble.

All the capable people are also trembling in the bottom of their hearts, they understand that the most terrifying thing has happened.

For some unknown reason, the four major supervisors - dispatched in advance at the same time! The depths of the fog in the direction of the hospital.

A rusty iron door opened, and a giant walked out from it. It was probably ten meters high. It was like a tall building. There were many seams on the giant's body. It seemed to be a created monster, but It is also different from the monsters like Thousand Resentments and Stitches.

Apart from his huge body, this giant looks completely normal.

He's a kind of sassy-looking guy.

But in his hand, he was carrying a scalpel. He said it was a scalpel. In fact, it was one meter five long. In the hands of ordinary people, it was a big knife, but in the hands of giants, it was only a small one. Scalpel, sharp-edged.

Between giants treading.

The earth rumbled and trembled...

The depths of the fog after the casino.

Inside a sewer-like pipe, there is an iron door that opens.

A small figure emerged from it, a baby.

This baby, with an ancient black pattern painted on its body, exudes a terrifying pressure like the sea of ​​​​abyss.

The baby's eyes are pitch black.

After crawling out, he actually stood with his hands behind his back, looking coldly around the mist: "When this gentleman comes out, when a corpse is spread across thousands of miles, no grass will grow!"

Domineering words.

Like a king.

This is a kind of evil that Jiang Che has seen before - Yingjun.

But it seems that this one is the real baby.

rather than leftovers.

This kind of thing, even among evil spirits, is the most difficult one to deal with. Otherwise, a [-]+ level evil Taoist will quickly evolve into a golden armored corpse, and he will not spend so much effort for this... …

Deep in the thick fog far behind the night market.

There is actually a high mountain in 797 here, hidden in the fog.

The iron gate of the cave opened 'crashing'.

It was empty and there was nothing inside.

But the weeds and wild trees along the way suddenly broke off a lot... In the direction of the ancient house, far away in the depths of the mist.

There was actually a bamboo forest there.

Deep in the woods, a man was tied with a dog chain. His clothes were tattered, and his body was golden. This was a corpse of gold armor, and he could hardly see the silver parts all over his body, which showed that this was a complete body. Golden Corpse.

That is - the top evil! The magnitude is probably close to one hundred thousand.

And he is also the strongest supervisor on the death platform. According to some gossip, the terrifying existence is on the order of [-].

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