Frightened, all the attacks in his hands collapsed.

What the hell, what the hell are you doing? What the hell is this?

Hell, isn't the old lady just a ghost king who has lived a few more lives, do you want to swallow my saliva like this to my female ghost king, she is crazy like a bloody lotus flower in her chest.

: Sorry for the late update, I mainly wanted to finish it in one wave and keep chapters, but I found that I still overestimated myself. I only wrote more than [-] words in the morning, so I can only send it out in two chapters. Chapter [-]: ::: Just a minute, gold master fathers wait a moment

Chapter [-] The mysterious existence retreats in terror! (Second update~ Sorry for being late)

To be more precise, the Queen of Ghosts is urging that jet-black bead.

That is her strongest trump card, and it is also why in the Death Platform world, all grievances and ghosts can obtain treasures that greatly enhance their combat effectiveness.

The ghost queen's powerful resentment, yin, and king-level terrifying power poured into the beads with all her might.

She screamed wildly.

"I give you all my strength, please help me!"

among the beads.

It seems that there is an ancient existence slowly recovering.

It was overjoyed.

"Little girl, you have finally figured it out, and you will be able to dominate the world by supporting your husband."

"Are you in danger?"

"Come on, let this old man rescue you and pass all your power in."

"My old arms and old legs, I haven't fought for too long. It's time to move my muscles and muscles."

The old voice was calm and confident.

The moment he appeared, the entire space seemed to be imprisoned by an invisible force, as if it was welcoming a supreme being.

The ancient existence slowly revealed its shape.

And the dark beads are still constantly absorbing the power of the female ghost king.

When a gray-haired old 797 person walked out of the beads completely.

There was a faint smile on his face.

The whole person exudes an incomparably terrifying aura, and along with the beads, it transforms the ghost queen's yin energy, the power of resentment, into his body, and his aura grows steadily higher, and finally, it reaches a terrifying level.

The old man chuckled lightly: "This old man has not touched his hands for thousands of years. When he was a young madman and killed a god-level powerhouse, he still vividly remembers it. I don't know what kind of little guy he is this time. He is so lucky and worth it. old man hands"

As he said that, with a gentle and confident smile on the old man's face, he slowly looked towards the sky.


The smug smile on his face suddenly stopped.

What the hell! What the hell is this!! This world that has been broken for a long time has such a strong power! In the hell, a few faint ancient breaths made the old man's heart horrified and shocked.

"Senior, hurry up, save me!"

The Queen of Ghosts shouted.

The old man shook off the hand of the ghost queen: "Go away! Don't hold me."

After all, the old man just drilled back into the pitch-black bead.

And all the power was returned to the female ghost king, so that the black beads could escape, and then the old man controlled the beads, fled quickly, and flew directly into the distance.

But all this.

It's too late.

With Jiang Che's sledgehammer falling.

The rumbling sky made a loud noise, the air was torn apart, and the space was shaking wildly.

A terrifying, solid hell.

Severely suppressed.

Bang!!!!!!!!! The entire dilapidated city was completely annihilated by this hammer. The violent force directly shattered the incomparably strong cement fortifications around it.

These... the fortifications with talismans and blessings with the powerful abilities of all kinds of capable people, under the aftermath of this hammer, they were just as if they were made of paper, and they were directly torn apart.

The power of a gust of wind.

In front of more than [-] capable people with pale faces.

And when the fortifications completely collapsed.


Countless imperial personnel stared wide-eyed and looked like they had seen a ghost. They were completely dumbfounded and their minds went blank.

Someone desperately shouted "Quick!! Quickly inform King Chiyang, quick!!"

"Sound the alarm, the ghost king will break the ban and will be born!"

"The ghost king is born, first-level alert! First-level alert!"

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