King Chiyang suddenly took a deep breath: "Quick, launch the strongest attack, don't leave a trace!!"

Having said that, he was already controlling the divine dragon composed of nine divine yang fires, and he went up to him and blocked the woman.

At the bottom, a group of capable people also used their most powerful means to blast the woman in the air fiercely, and the physical powerhouse took some military howitzers, anti-equipment sniper rifles, etc., and fired at the woman. .

Terrorist attacks overwhelming.

Plus the violent bombardment of a human king.

Hit the woman hard.

Some people also wondered: "Why did Lord Chiyang so easily conclude that this woman must be the ghost king, in case she is part of the challenger team?"

The three-meter-tall little giant carried an array of anti-aircraft guns on his body. He aimed at the woman, pressed the launcher, and then explained in a loud voice: "Seeing if the blood-colored lotus flower on her chest is not there, this is the symbol of the tenth ghost. A petal means a life."

"I understand the truth, but why does she only have two 2s?"

Someone wondered.


The little giant was stunned: saying that this is just a mistake from the two worlds, Lord Chiyang King."

But suddenly.

With a loud 'boom'.

Everyone instantly understood that King Chiyang did not admit his mistake. This was definitely...that terrifying female ghost king! Because in the sky, under the overwhelming terror, that woman in an ancient prison uniform made a 'bang', It actually smashed countless attacks directly, and then the woman's eyes were ruthless, and her hands erupted with incomparably terrifying sinister resentment, she slapped the king of Chiyang: "Go away!!"

BANG!!!! A loud noise.

In the eyes of everyone, the invincible King Chiyang, the nine Shenyang Fire Dragons, was directly crushed by this palm, and the body of King Chiyang was smashed down by a woman's palm, smashing straight to the ground.

King Chiyang spat out a mouthful of blood, and his blood fell to the ground, directly forming a sea of ​​fire.

This is exactly....fairy fights.

Many capable people swallowed their saliva fiercely, panicking in their hearts.

"I remember."

The little giant said with a trembling voice, "The grievance lotus on the chest of the [-]th Wronged Ghost will increase by one for every unjust death in the first life. When it reaches ten, each petal will seal her whole life's resentment, but Die in her place and give her even more terrifying power.

Now there are only two 2-petal ghost kings left, I am afraid she has died eight times, and her current shape just confirms this. This is an ancient prisoner's uniform. It may have been this ghost king five or six hundred years ago. The way he looked when he was unjustly killed!"

"Fuck, no wonder it's so strong."

"What nonsense, Lord Chiyang Wang is seriously injured, hurry up, protect the Lord!"

Everyone rushed into the big pit and surrounded King Chiyang.

But they were stunned to discover that the woman in prison uniform didn't even look at them, her body dragged out afterimages in the air, and flew into the distance, looking like she was a little flustered.

"Why does this woman seem to be panicking?"

"She seems to be running for her life, avoiding something."

Many people were stunned.

Doubt arose in my mind.

"Quick, stop him!"

King Chiyang was furious: "This fellow definitely wants to go to the big city to kill people and absorb resentment."

He didn't care about other things, he spit out a mouthful of red blood, burned his life, rose into the sky, and was about to chase the woman.

But this time.

Brush—! A gust of wind blew past.

A tall figure passed by before everyone's eyes.

Everyone's eyes widened.

"Fuck, what is that!"

"It's so terrifying, the devilish energy is so strong, ten meters high, with wings that flicker with divine light, Shen Xi's terrifying eyes, is this..."

"Could it be that it turned out to be a legend?"

"Two-winged seraph!"

"God is such a two-winged angel!"

"I think it's Lei Zhenzi. Look, the sledgehammer he's carrying is used to strike thunder."

Many capable people were startled, and when they looked at the past, their eyes suddenly lit up: "Fuck, it's really true!"

"No wonder the thunder is so loud. It turned out to be from such a huge hammer. What's more, it's much bigger than my wardrobe."

"Fuck, this makes sense. It turns out that a famous mythical figure in our country took action and directly suppressed the terrifying evil spirit of the tenth generation of resentful ghosts!"

"Awesome Lei Zhenzi!!"

"Lei Zhenzi, come on!"

Immediately, everyone... saw that this terrifying giant suddenly slammed the female ghost king into the ground, and then his huge body directly pressed on it, catching the terrifying female ghost king, that is... a Dun: Fatty.

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