After all, with the resentment of the eighth generation, I am afraid that I can give it a try, but I am crushed by a hammer. This time, the Queen of Ghosts is completely convinced.

"Big brother, please stop chasing, I will go to the mountains and forests, and I will never come out!"

"Give me a way to live, humming!"

The queen of ghosts ran and shouted.

But Jiang Che was chasing after him: "You misunderstood my little sister Ghost King, in fact, I have a chance to cross here, and I just chose you as the son of destiny. First hurt its skin, cut off its limbs, hammer its dog's head, and destroy its soul, so I am tempted to endure it, I have done what I can't, you seem to be beating you, but in fact, it is my brother who is training you!"

"Sister Ghost King, can't you see this?"

"You really don't understand your brother's painstaking efforts."

Jiang Che made a heartbreak.

The Queen of Ghosts was stunned.

How can there be such a shameless man like you in this world to cut off his limbs and smash his dog's head, did the ancients say that! The old lady can the ancients not know....destroy people's souls If you want to gain what you can't do, you are a dog! Follow your exercise method.

The great responsibility of heaven is to go to the underworld to guard the gate of hell! "Come on, sister of the ghost king, I have prepared the black hole in time and space for you. Do you want to travel through another world? Do you want to be the jewel of the overbearing prince? Do you want to experience a different love and hate relationship? You just need to turn around, this great opportunity is yours! You may even get a random system, an old man or an old woman in the ring."

Jiang Che shouted.

On his huge palm, a pitch-black crack opened.

Feeling the terrifying devouring power from inside, the female ghost king looked resentful.

What a black hole in time and space! You are clearly... wanting to swallow the old lady! With Jiang Che suddenly flapping the colorful wings behind his back twice, the power of the wind surged, and his speed increased sharply, directly catching up with the female ghost king , the crack in the big hand swallowed and tore off one leg of the female ghost king's real body in one bite.


The Queen of Ghosts was heartbroken.

Understand that today, you cannot escape the clutches of this devil.

But the instinct of survival still prompted her to escape desperately.

Jiang Che was not in a hurry to kill her, so he hung behind him and boiled the frog in warm water. Three minutes later, Jiang Che 1.

5 pinch the female ghost king, only one head remains, and devour it completely.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 60 energy."

Jiang Che was overjoyed: "Fuck, awesome, so much energy."

This wave can be called a bloody profit.

The gold card used on him, the 掼杌, was only drawn with [-] energy.

As a result, this female ghost king directly brought him a full 60, plus the previous few supervisors, and if they put it together, Jiang Che could almost do it, and he could draw another obsidian card.

At the same time, along with the ghost queen was swallowed up.

On Jiang Che's arm, a strange pattern slowly appeared, it was a hideous ghost head, occupying half of the back of his left hand.

See this pattern.

Jiang Che was startled: "This, why does it feel that this power is not the same as the one swallowed before!"

Chapter [-] Do you have that kind of practice method that traverses the ages? (Fifth more ~ ​​Haha, this thief is funny)

Looking at the... vivid ghost head pattern on the back of his left hand, Jiang Che was very surprised.

He now has the power of Yu Qiang and Yu Tuo, and his perception of... the world is extremely keen, and he immediately perceives the strangeness of this pattern.

Jiang Che pondered and closed his eyes to perceive.

After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes.

"I understand! The evil spirits on the level are no longer pure energy and resentment components, but possess supernatural powers that they comprehend, or according to some mysterious sayings, they have their own 'Tao', the law ', 'talented magic'."

"And the gluttonous gluttony, if you just swallow the general evil, it is equivalent to swallowing some energy. When the energy is used up, it will naturally dissipate."

"It is possible for devourable creatures to obtain the 'magical power law' that they comprehend, and I can also use this power."

"Then what is the 'magic power' of this ghost queen?"

Jiang Che's eyes moved, he looked at the ghost head pattern, and concentrated his thoughts.

Two seconds later, his eyes shone brightly: "The magical power of this female ghost king turned out to be - rebirth!"

"As long as this mark devours enough life essence, I can be reborn once with it!"

Jiang Che was ecstatic, this kind of ability is just too awesome.

He flew directly into the forest below, raised his hand to take a picture, and the terrifying devouring power burst out, sucking a strange wolf on the ground with red eyes, a strange appearance, and blood stains left on the corner of his mouth.

Along with Jiang Che, he devoured this evil wolf.

The mark on the back of his hand changed from black to a very fine line to milky white.

Jiang Che can sense that as long as this mark is completely transformed into milky white, then he can have a chance to be reborn! But there is one point, this kind of devouring cannot come from something that is not alive, but must be a powerful creature. Body is fine, because ghosts do not have the essence of life, such as the ghost queen just now.

"By the way, I remember that before entering the death platform, I saw two big news, maybe I should go to Yaoshan, those... powerful monsters, aren't they the best raw materials for life essence and swallowing elixir , should also be able to accumulate the essence of life.”

Jiang Che's eyes suddenly lit up.

As for... monsters, he has some understanding in [they forced me to be an undercover agent], these... real monsters are not... as humane as in some film and television works, in the eyes of real monsters, people are just the middle of their food chain Just a part of it.

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