A drop of faint blue blood fell.

Contains terrifying power.

The old man's face almost turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile! In the depths of his eyes, an imperceptible hint of gloom was revealed.


As long as you make a connection, then let go...a little mind.

This old man can suck you dry! Previously, the ghost queen only planned to send [-]% of her power to the old man, so that he could stop Jiang Che, while he escaped with his last strength.

But when she let go of her heart.

Immediately, he was horrified to discover that his yin qi and resentment were flowing uncontrollably! If the old man was not finally deterred by Jiang Che, he chose to give up the ghost queen and slip away, I am afraid that the ghost king would have been sucked up by the old man long ago. .

With the drop of blood getting closer and closer.

The smile in the old man's eyes grew stronger and stronger.

However, suddenly, the blue blood exploded, and the terrifying power directly blasted the floating black beads to the ground.

At the same time, a deep roar sounded.


"Open your eyes!"

Roar!!! A violent roar, as if from the beginning of ancient times.

In the void behind Jiang Che, a ferocious monster with a body like a tiger and a face like a human, with long hair and no wind, with wild boar-like fangs and a long tail, walked out with a fierceness to the extreme. The breath of the air crushes everything! The surrounding world is dark and silent.

The old man widened his eyes.

Only then did I realize that I had been tricked! The black lotus seed had been blasted to the ground at this moment, and he could not escape.

The evil beast stepped out of the void.

The cruel eyes, already staring at the old man, stepped out.


The old man's body started suddenly.

There were cracks in the skin, and inside, there were unexpected bursts of unimaginable sword energy, which could almost annihilate everything: "The last card of this old man, I can't imagine that it will be used to kill a stinky hair on you. Head boy!"

"Young man, under the Nine Serenities, you are enough"

The void was cut off by the way.

The old man raised a hand gently, and a killing intent that surpassed everything enveloped this space.

A strong man who has killed a god.

It's not a sleight of hand! The old man's turbid eyes shone brightly: "Boy, die!"

An unparalleled sword energy blasted out.

Jiang Che's face was dignified, and in his hand, he had already grasped a dark card depicting a world-shattering dragon.

And this time.

Shizuo suddenly bit his mouth.

Kacha!! The sword energy shattered.

Jiang Che: ... scared Lao Tzu, it turned out to be a false move.

And seeing this scene, the old man's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief... I believe: "This... this, how is it possible! What the hell are you, why can you catch this sword, why!"

He couldn't imagine it.

His final trump card was actually crushed by a vicious beast in such a way, "What the hell is this, with a human face, long hair, and ferocious aura, why do I seem to have seen it somewhere? This thing..."

The old man pondered for a moment, and suddenly his face froze: "Fuck,!"

He felt like his scalp was about to explode.

"Impossible! Impossible! How do you still exist! How do you still exist! Aren't you already dead!!"

The old man looked crazy, his pupils shrank suddenly.

He suddenly remembered an ancient strange book that his master had read to him before he died. It recorded a shocking mystery. During the ages, the heavens and the world discovered a world rich in resources.

The battle of the worlds.

In the end, it caused misfortune.

In this place that everyone regards as the indigenous world, a group of terrifying creatures smashed into the world. In that battle, most of all creatures were killed and injured. A piece of history was sealed, and those...the creatures that were regarded as ominous were also killed cleanly.

But now.

They are back! The old man only felt his soul tremble.

His face turned pale with fright.

And then, the beast soul swept past, directly tearing the old man's soul to pieces.

"Ding, congratulations to the Lord for getting 15."

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