Second, she had a chance to kill King Lei Zhen at the time, but she suddenly fled, obviously to save her strength and make it easier to run away.

Thirdly, if she really wanted to kill someone, wouldn't she just kill her and she had to say something cruel and let others be on guard first? "Five, six, zero"

Obviously, this cruel remark is misleading, and it is convenient for oneself to escape.

Three 3 doubts.

Everything is pointed - Jiang Yunni is about to slip away.

But a group of professional strategic analysts, with keen intuition, always feel that something is not quite right.

So everyone ran to the scene,,, and analyzed it for half the night.

In the end, everyone came to a horrifying conclusion - this female corpse king is really going to do it in Dayuan City! There is only one detail of the scene, that is, outside the hell tunnel, under the aftermath of the battle between the two Venerables, the land Dive into the depths of a few dozen meters.

King Lei Zhen deliberately kept his hands when he was fighting in this vicinity because he was afraid of damaging the seal of the restricted area.

In other words, these... soil layers were all crushed by Jiang Yunni, but since she wanted to escape, why did she desperately crush these... lands? What the hell is she trying to hide? I'm afraid there is only one answer: the departure of another terrifying existence! Based on this doubt, plus the previous three points: too obvious, a dozen professional-level analysts finally reached a conclusion: Jiang Yunni really wants to do it! But Jiang Che is thousands of miles away.

How do you know that so many Luo Ji are very surprised: "Brother Jiang, you are too good, you are stronger than our professional analysts!"

Jiang Che waved his hand: "I won't brag with you anymore, it's actually very simple, it's like, some military fans can always come up with some strategies that may be better than the generals on the battlefield. This is because the generals propose a strategy. Strategy, what you need to consider is what responsibility you bear and how serious the consequences may be, military fans just need to compare without thinking: that’s it.”

"I am now equivalent to a military fan, just starting from the simplest place: just a random guess."

"The most important thing now is..."

Jiang Che's eyes flickered, and he said something that made Luo Ji's scalp tingle: "You'd better call your father to pay attention to safety, no one can guarantee that... whoever leaves will definitely be weaker than Jiang Yunni who stays to attract firepower. !"

This is the misunderstanding of many people's psychology.

When the focus was on how Jiang Yunni would choose, he subconsciously ignored another threat.

the other side.

Luo Ji's eyes widened, if he said his exclamation just now, it would be polite and polite.

But now.

He felt it from the bottom of his heart.

Jiang Che is so smart and close to a demon! "Quick, inform King Lei Zhen, things may change!"

Luo Ji shouted eagerly, "Everyone is busy in the tricky situation. Someone took out a special communication machine and sent encrypted emails."

On the other side, hanging up the phone, Jiang Che closed his eyes and rested.

He was in no hurry.

Since the other party said that he was coming to kill him at eight o'clock tonight, he would definitely not be one minute earlier.

Because during this period of time, the empire will send a steady stream of strong men to Dayuan City to guard against this attack that may come at any time. Jiang Yunni does not make a move, and the threat is even greater than that.

In this way, her goal has also been achieved, to contain the vast majority of the empire's limited mobile manpower!... And just when all this happened.

another world.

Just like a valley like a fairyland, a vague and terrifying silhouette hangs in the void.

A figure was as hot as the sun, and his whole body was burning with flames. The sky behind him was scorching hot, and the ground under his feet turned into billowing lava... A figure was wrapped in a terrifying divine chain of laws, and an ancient cauldron floated behind his head. , like, a young god.

There was a figure as huge as a mountain, a huge shadow covering the entire valley.

There were also figures red as blood, riding on the ancient chariot dragged by two blood-colored dragons, watching with cold eyes.

"Hand over that rank six elixir, we'll let you go!"

Lie Yan's figure opened his mouth, his voice buzzing, shaking the four fields... The young god with an ancient tripod behind his head sighed: "Fox God, this is not what you deserve, let it go."


The terrifying giant snorted, like thunder: "When you attacked that indigenous world, you announced your withdrawal from the alliance, and now you still want to take the elixir safely and dream."

In the valley, it is the season, the spirit grass is abundant, and the flowers are blooming.

The beauty of flowers.

It was all covered up at the moment.

Because in the middle of the valley, there stood a woman wearing a long snow-white dress, her face was impeccable, her eyes were cold, and there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

The woman's appearance is charming, and the loose long skirt can't hide her figure, but at this moment, there is a trace of bright blood on the corner of her slightly raised mouth.

But that's what makes it even more poignant.

Charming, pure, high-cold, pitiful, all kinds of tastes come together harmoniously.

This woman exudes a fatal temptation! Even gods fall for it.

In the sky, flaming figures, young gods, couldn't help, their throats moved, and their eyes were a little hot.


The woman laughed softly, and the flowers bloomed in an instant, and the whole land became bright and beautiful: "The elixir is here, if you are not afraid of death, come and get it!"

The voice was sonorous and powerful, as cold as ice.

On the ground, hundreds of flowers withered together, and icicles of chilling icicles, from the ground and the walls of the valley, were almost 0.

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