But he understands that this is only a temporary solution.

Dayuan City is not a small town. There are thousands of streets like this in this city.

It can't be solved by him alone.

The only way now is... to let those... Empire capable people who are on guard against Jiang Yunni, let go of their hands and feet!

Chapter [-] Bloody Factory (fourth more)

Moreover, Jiang Che understands that those who are capable are not all gathered, ready to deal with Jiang Yunni.

More of them, they are still guarding some important places, such as military bases with heavy firepower. Once such places are invaded and manipulated, it will be a devastating disaster for a city.

According to the records in the post of Lingtan.com.

Jiang Yunni once had the deeds of manipulating many people.

This kind of strange ability, once occupying some special places, will bring a blow to a city that is unimaginable.

Therefore, Jiang Che understood that in order to liberate the hands and feet of the powers of the empire, Jiang Yunni, the greatest potential threat in this city, must be eradicated, so that the powers of the city can truly operate again.

He dialed the phone.

"Seven Nine, Seven"

That one is Luo Ji.

Jiang Che was not polite, and asked directly: "Do you have a way to track Jiang Yunni's current location?"

Luo Ji was silent for a while: "Yes... yes, but there is only one chance, and Luzhou City, a high-level king is on his way. We hope to invite you to join forces with this king, and then the thunder will strike."

Luo Ji's meaning is very obvious, attacking now, there is no guarantee that one hit will kill, and if the tiger returns to the mountain, it will cause even greater disasters.

A utterly enraged evil spirit, about to slaughter.

I am afraid that the countless counties near Dayuan City will become dead places.

"If I take action, she will definitely not survive. I will come to your headquarters in five minutes to discuss countermeasures. Now the city is rampant with demons. I am afraid this is also a part of Jiang Yunni's plan. She restrains the energy of all capable people and informs them at the same time... Ghosts, let them be unscrupulous."

Jiang Che said in a deep voice, "If we wait until 8:[-] p.m., during this time, there will be more than tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of people killed and injured."

Luo Ji hesitated, "But..."

Jiang Che said directly: "Lao Luo, the female ghost king on the death platform is the king of the sixth stage. I killed her without using all my strength."

On the other end of the phone, I heard this.

Luo Ji's eyes flashed: "In that state, you can still use it in the short term"

"If that's the case, we'll follow you directly to raid and fuck her!"

Luo Ji was worried.

The main thing is that Jiang Che only showed a terrifying state last night, killing the Queen of Ghosts.

Now I have to deal with a rank evil, I am afraid that I am not able to do it.

Hanging up the phone, Jiang Che soared into the sky and flew to the plot, his eyes were very cold.

This Jiang Yunni, in order to muddy the water, laid out too many things, and was very unscrupulous. The entire Dayuan City, countless ordinary people, sneaky, were regarded as pawns by her.

In this city, ordinary families are suffering from unimaginable disasters.

At this time, it is... time for the strong among human beings to stand up.

in the face of disaster.

No one can be alone. …

On the eastern outskirts of Dayuan City, a food factory.

At this moment in the factory, there are more than [-] strange and terrifying workers, all of them are expressionless, doing some creepy procedures.

They cut a person into pieces, separated the internal organs and the remaining corpse, washed them, and threw them into several huge food processing pots, boiled them with high fire, and turned them into corpse oil.

And on the ground next to it, there were countless people, probably thousands, all of them dead bodies, no longer breathing.

There was blood in the factory.

It's a complete hell scene.

Workers kept cutting these corpses open with knives and blood spattered everywhere.

A woman in ancient clothes looked at all this with cold eyes. The woman's face was so pale that it didn't look like a person at all. What was even more strange was that her forehead was mutilated, and there was a strange black pattern on her face.

This is the living corpse that came out of Long Duan Ancient Tomb - Jiang Yunni.

She is not a zombie.

It is a strange corpse-transformation product, with its own body and the ability of a ghost, which is very strange, and is a unique evil in ancient tombs.

At this time, in front of Jiang Yunni, a man was holding a selfie stick, sweeping the whole factory.

Pass those... cruel pictures out 0... In the barrage, there is a scolding.

But because only capable people can watch it, this live broadcast has not been banned, and the source of this signal is also the means of tracking Jiang Yunni.

No one is perfect.

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