Originally, it took about an hour interval: , the magic shadow can be used again, and the cooldown time is directly reduced to five seconds5.

And the ability is more hidden, even the king, it is difficult to find broken five, buttocks.

So far.

A total of more than [-] million energy was spent.

With the remaining more than one million energy, Jiang Che drew one obsidian card and five gold cards to save his life.

After that, the energy is almost exhausted.

[Energy]: [Function]: Draw cards, strengthen, select, merge [Exotic Beast Cards]: Yinglong Obsidian, Xingtian Obsidian, Yuqiang Gold, Nine-Tailed Fox Gold, Gluttonous Gold,...[Items]: Underworld Thunder Hammer, Void Battle Boots, God Carrying Heavenly Armor, Soul Locking Nail [Ability]: Black Shadow, Devour, Yanshan Quake, Yukong [Magic Power]: Rebirth cannot be used, Recharge: 10%, Great Seal of Heaven and his panel.

It also reached a very terrifying state.

A slip of obsidian and gold cards make you feel safe when you look at them.

At this time, Jiang Che suddenly carried the [-]-meter-long Minglei Boundary Breaking Hammer and spread his wings into the sky.

In the distance, the villagers who were climbing halfway up the mountain suddenly felt an inexplicable heart palpitation.

Glancing back.

That... macho just lifted off in place.

Many people breathed a sigh of relief.

"so far so good."

"He can't. He's so far apart, and he's hammering us to death."

The [-]nd chapter Yaoshan turmoil (third more)

But at this time, the villagers didn't notice that outside the factory, a woman with a tyrannical expression on her face was rushing out desperately.

Even if her soul body is close to being broken.

She didn't even care.

From time to time, she looked into the void behind her, and the woman's face was full of terror.

Too bad she's an earthbound spirit.

Before breaking through to the god level and changing his life against the sky, no matter what, he will not be able to get out of this area.

And just when the female ghost turned back again.

in the sky.

Lightning exploded.

A thick voice sounded.

"Ming - thunder - refining - robbery -!"


Thirty meter hammer.

It crashed to the ground.

The female ghost's eyes widened, and she was so distraught.

BANG!!!!!! Under the loud noise.

The ground beneath the entire valley was ravaged by thunder, ice flames, and ghost fires.

This force was like a wave, slamming into the surrounding mountains, factories, and villages, and was swallowed up in an instant, and the female ghost and the living corpse villagers were also completely destroyed in a moment of shock.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 150 energy."



A total of [-] or [-], starting with energy:.

Jiang Che was very satisfied with... the power of the hammer, he spread his wings and rushed into the sky.

Buy two roast chickens.

back home.

The preparations for going to Yaoshan have already been completed, and I will only wait for the departure early tomorrow.  …

And this time.

Demon Mountain.

Back from the cordon on a certain avenue.

Those... deserted roads, barren land with no end in sight.

From here on out, it's all considered a demon mountain.

Usually, it can be called Liao uninhabited here, and I am afraid that after walking for a long time, I will not find a living person.

but now.

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