"I didn't expect that there are so many beautiful girls in Liyuan!"

Zhou Hua's heart trembled, and was completely swayed by the temperament and appearance of this female student.

He immediately put away the somewhat domineering attitude of the guide.

He turned and walked over with a gentle face.

"This classmate, can I invite you to take a photo?"

see this scene.

The corner of Ye Liangchen's mouth twitched in the distance, but he stopped talking.

The girl raised her head and glanced at Zhou Hua lightly, her red lips parted lightly, and halfway through the word "go away", she suddenly said, "I'm sorry teacher, it's not very convenient."

The voice was soft and soft.

Hearing that, Zhou Hua couldn't help but swallowed hard.

He was just about to continue fighting lazily, so he tried his best to take down this female student.


A big hand was placed in front of Zhou Hua, and he was pushed away.


Was pushed to a staggering.

Zhou Hua was stunned for a moment, then, like an enraged lion, he glared fiercely at him: "You are..."

Say half.

He met a pair of trembling eyes.

Although these eyes looked calm, they were like wild beasts, and there was a madness and ruthlessness hidden in them. Zhou Hua was shocked when he saw that, and his tone softened unconsciously, but he still stuck his neck and shouted: "Are you? What are you doing? This is NTU, it's a university! Not just anyone can come in!"

Jiang Che didn't talk much to him, he turned his head and said to Lu Xiaoyuan, "Get in the car, I'll give you the latest chapter."

The girl in the quiet pleated skirt suddenly had a surprise on her face.

"Wow~ Jiang Da is amazing!"

The two got into the car, and Jiang Che handed over a stack of papers.

Chapter [-] I suck in the air (new book for collection!!)

There is nothing special about the relationship between the two.

Jiang Che wrote a romance novel.

But the level is not high, it is purely a hobby, and it is regarded as a relaxation in addition to normal code words.

By chance.

Lu Xiaoyuan became a loyal reader and the only reader of his romance stories.

After Jiang Che handed the manuscript to the other party, he closed his eyes and fell asleep, enjoying the rare spring sunshine.

At this time, Zhou Hua's face was extremely ugly, but he had just been pushed by the man, and he understood that the other party was very strong, and he would definitely not be able to please him if he rushed up.

So I rolled up a stack of documents in my hand and slapped the car door a few times.

Make a "quack" sound to attract everyone's attention.

"Come here, come here!"

After seeing a lot of people come over, Zhou Hua ordered a few strong boys: "You, you, and you, all of you, someone actually bullied our major, let him see, we still have a major. Men's!"

In a word, tie the things that you have provoked to the entire profession.

Everyone with a little brains sneered and looked at Zhou Hua coldly, unmoved.

But young people are always impulsive, and three or five boys rushed up and shouted.

"who is it!?"

Zhou Hua pointed to the car.

Everyone followed his gaze and took a deep breath.

Damn it, ruthless Jiang Che!


Everyone looked up at the sky and felt that the weather was really good today.

And the boys who were clamoring at the beginning also blushed and ran into another bus.

No one will pay attention to Zhou Hua anymore.

Zhou Hua was taken aback by this strange scene.

At this time, Ye Liangchen walked over with a smile, put his arms around Zhou Hua's shoulders, patted his face rudely, and pointed at Jiang Che: "My buddy, your eyes are bright."

Zhou Hua's face flushed, and he was humiliated in front of so many female students, which made him almost lose his mind, and he was about to get angry with Ye Liangchen on the spot.

And the other party's light and fluttering words came, as if a basin of cold water was poured, which immediately calmed him down.

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