But this time.

The woman in the cyan dress covered her mouth and smiled, her laughter was sultry. Her long dress suddenly slipped off her shoulders, revealing her shoulder straps. She chuckled and said, "The guests are too young to dare to drink."

The three of them were obviously young people of twenty-one or two years old.

Hear her say this.

Immediately, he turned his head in dissatisfaction.

And this turned around.

Both men's eyes narrowed.

The woman in the long cyan dress, whose body outlines a thrilling curve, bites her lower lip with her teeth, and her posture is provocative.

However, they were even more vigilant in their eyes.

"Lao Yu, if there is a problem, let's go!"

Young man with short hair, Liang Wenbo said solemnly.


Yu Cheng also said.

The two bowed their bodies and wanted to leave.

At this moment.

The woman in the blue dress suddenly flashed a green light in her eyes.

And some of the skin on the surface of her body, the skin behind her, wriggled a bit, and many scales emerged, emitting a gas that made people lustful.

The two men were about to turn around.

Suddenly stunned.

He swallowed and said in unison, "Or else..."

“Still go for a drink”

Ding Qian, the girl who was traveling with her, was in a hurry: "Can the two of you do it! Don't forget what this place is!"

She could only vaguely remind.

Afraid of breaking the identity of the other party's monster with a single scream, I am afraid that I will have to do it.

Both companions were bewitched.

There is little chance of winning by yourself! Yu Cheng's tone is dissatisfied: "Isn't that right, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

Saying that, the two followed directly behind the woman and walked to the tavern.

And Ding Qian stomped her feet in a hurry, but there was nothing she could do.

She has a heart.

But on the woman in the cyan dress, she felt an incomparable... terrifying aura! Evil! At least evil! Ding Qian understood that most of her two companions were helpless, and she turned around and wanted to run.

But at this time, the woman in the blue skirt suddenly turned her head, opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue.

Ding Qian looked shocked.

She raised her hand and opened a steel shield.

A full half a meter thick.

But with a 'click' sound.

The shield was pierced directly! Ding Qian was so shocked that her face paled and she screamed.

Suddenly, a monk rushed over from a distance. He threw out the golden bowl and chanted a mantra: "Great Power Heavenly Dragon, World Honored Earth Store, Prajna Buddhas, Prajnaba Makong!"

Mysterious spell.

The golden bowl suddenly flourished.

Smashed the tongue of the woman in the blue skirt.

The woman gave the monk a resentful look and sneered: "If you have the ability, catch up!"

Then she picked up the two men, pulled away and went back to the pub.

"Master! Master, please save my friend!"

Ding Qian shouted.

The monk glanced at the tavern and said solemnly: "The demonic energy is almost condensed into clouds and rain, and the things in it are not something that the poor can deal with! The benefactor condolences."

After speaking, the monk seemed to want to leave.

But in the end he sighed.

"Forget it, since we meet, we cannot allow more people to be persecuted."

In the end, Fa Hai quietly spread the realgar with mana blessing around this tavern. Even if it is an evil and different-level old snake demon, it will definitely show its original shape when touched.

He said to Ding Qian: "The poor monk can only stay here and see if there is any chance to rescue the two donors."

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