The old monkey's breath suddenly disappeared.

It made countless existences in the forest panic.

What! That one can suppress most of the mountain forest, except for Lord Tiger King, the strongest person in this mountain.

That's it! The crow flew past the golden hands of the old monkey.

And the body of a monkey.

The golden light had already faded away, and the radiant palm also lost its color as the crow left.

Bang!! The old monkey fell from the sky.

The sturdy body turned into pieces.

In the surrounding mountains and forests, one after another fierce eyes showed panic.

All the giant beasts and evil spirits held their breaths and looked at the seemingly ordinary crow in fear.

This......what the hell is this! I saw it at this time.

The crow flew to the hole and landed on a dry branch next to it.

The White Tiger King 'swipe' opened his eyes.

It leaned out of the hole, looked at the crow with a very oppressive gaze, and said, "Who gave you the courage to dare to touch this king's subordinates!"

The sound roared.

Like a thunderstorm.

At this time, the White Tiger King, with a pair of tiger eyes, revealed an extremely dangerous aura.

A devastating storm is brewing.

As long as the crow answers an inappropriate one.

It will definitely die! The powerful aura of the ninth rank of the king level, shakes the trees to the point of breaking, and the ground slowly sinks in. On the entire giant peak, countless giant beasts begin to crawl, indicating that the person surrenders. Deterred by stock pressure.

But the black crow.

At this time, there was humanity in his eyes.

It opened its mouth and made a hoarse sound.

"That Divine Soul Grass, the one who wants it, let me get it together."

As soon as this sentence comes out.

The White Tiger King hesitated for a while, but his face was still bad: "Who is the one you said?"


Unexpectedly, the crow suddenly became furious and scolded.

Immediately, the White Tiger King's expression froze, showing a terrified face, and staring at the crow in front of him in horror.

This sound.

It actually caused its soul to vibrate! It was almost shattered.

"You are actually..."

The White Tiger King trembled, as if he suddenly remembered something, and his face showed a horrified expression: "So, it's the one who wants to..."

"Shut up!"

The crow snarled again.

"I won't show up until it is a last resort. At least for now, those few are not ready to tear their faces away from the human race."

"It's up to you to handle this matter, understand?"

The White Tiger King nodded in panic: "Yes!"


the other side.

Jiang Che and the others crossed the fog and walked towards the mountain range.

There were no monsters on the way.

On the contrary... I found six or seven spirit medicines, but they were only first-grade spirit medicines, and several people shared them.

And when it comes to the foot of the mountain.

A dim light caught the attention of several people.

When I walked over, I saw a three-room tile-roofed house standing not far from the foot of the mountain, and an elixir with faint blue light grew in the center of the hall.

"What a strong demon!"

Fa Hai pondered: "Donor Jiang, that monster is there... Donor Jiang!"

He was only halfway through.

I saw that Jiang Che had already rushed up.

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