"And some people claimed that they heard gunshots that night. It was a very violent gunshot. It seemed that there was a shooting battle, but it was soon quiet. Then more than [-] well-trained police officers, the next morning thoroughly Missing."

"This one doesn't sound as scary as the first two, doesn't it? But the reason why it is said to be the highlight is because since the incident of the ghost-faced tiger eating people, people who come to the villa for vacation often say that they have seen police uniforms at night. Ghost! These police ghosts have broken bodies, and some of their internal organs are hanging outside, but they still treat themselves as normal people, chat with guests, and try to trick them into going deep into the mountains."

When Ye Liangchen said this, he was a little scared.

"Brother Che, the deluxe suite is already open, please show your face, if you encounter any movement at night, you must save me as soon as possible!"

He knew how fierce Jiang Che was.

This time it was also because Jiang Che finally changed his mind that he wanted to come, and Ye Liangchen decided to come.

And listen to his talk.

Three words appeared in Jiang Che's mind.

"A hanged ghost, a water ghost, a ghost."

Hanged Ghosts and Water Ghosts are as their names suggest.

And ghosts, it is said that people who are eaten by tigers will turn into ghosts and seduce passers-by to feed the tigers.

They didn't notice when they were talking.

Lu Xiaoyuan walked to the pond, her face changed slightly, she squeezed the thick book in her hand, with two large characters written on it.


Soon the housekeeper of the villa, along with several security guards and waiters, came out to greet everyone.

Walking on the corridor in the middle of the lake.

Jiang Che looked at the Huxin Pavilion and the lotus leaves under his feet from time to time. His perception was fifty times as sharp as an ordinary person's, which made him feel that there was indeed a faint evil spirit in these places.

While Jiang Che was walking, he suddenly frowned.

In addition to the evil spirit, he also felt a strong blood energy.

People have died here recently!

For a moment, Jiang Che's eyes turned cold.

He just died, but the owner of the villa still dares to open business?

Or, dead people have become the norm in this villa?

And because it is the public way, occasionally one or two people die, and it will not be too sensational like a rich man died here. Therefore, the villa has always maintained such a state of operation?


Suddenly, a girl's scream came, attracting everyone's attention.

Chapter [-] A scream! (The sixth is coming~)

Hearing this scream, everyone looked over, and it turned out to be a female student from the same team, clapping her chest and looking unsure.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Hua asked in dissatisfaction.

The female student took a few steps back, took a deep breath, and pointed to the water with trembling: "There... a woman is swimming!"

Hearing this, everyone was startled and looked at them all.

But only a lotus leaf trembled twice, and a frog jumped over.

Zhou Hua was startled at first, but he was relieved after reading it: "It's just a frog, don't talk nonsense!"

And many people also comforted the girl, telling her that there was only one lotus leaf there, and she might be confused.

The girl insisted at first, saying that she must have seen a woman swimming with her head out of the water just now, her hair wet, but with everyone's persuasion, she also doubted herself.

After all, if someone really swims, how can they not come up after diving for so long?

The team moved on.

Only two people looked at the lotus leaf with deep meaning.

One was Jiang Che. He had the fastest reaction. The moment the girl screamed, he looked over, and he did see a bunch of black hair sinking.

The other is Lu Xiaoyuan, holding a thick book in her hand, praying a few words, her face is serious.

"Jiang Da, shall I sleep next to you at night?" Lu Xiaoyuan suddenly blinked her bright eyes.

Jiang Che smiled bitterly: "I just gave you all of the amount for the past few days, but I really don't have any at all."

He was referring to the manuscript.

"Even if we discuss the plot~" Lu Xiaoyuan shook Jiang Che's arm,

Facing such an offensive, Jiang Che was instantly defeated and agreed.

Everyone also visited the Huxin Pavilion.

It's early spring, Dayuan City is already hot, but Huxin Pavilion is unexpectedly cool, and many girls stay here and don't want to leave.

Finally, under the leadership of the housekeeper, we came to the place of accommodation together.

There is a very strong Republic of China decoration style here. The corridor is covered with red cloth, and there are actually two stone lions on both sides, which looks quite majestic.

"Everyone, go to the main hall for dinner later. You can play anywhere in the villa, but you must be careful about falling into the water. The Lotus Lake is actually very deep." The housekeeper told everyone about the precautions.

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