One holds a gossip compass and the other holds a black candle.

Around the three of them, there were densely packed zombies, at least thirty 3s, all of them breathed at the level, and even the most terrifying two, zombies in ancient official uniforms, their breaths were erratic and unpredictable, and they all reached the level. The realm of kings! The four forces confront each other.

Between them, a mysterious grass grows on the ground.

0 On the grass, there is Shen Xi flowing, aura, and around it, it is almost condensed into essence.

When Jiang Che walked to this mountain, his energy became 1 point per second, and when he got close to here, it actually became 3 per second! It is equivalent to 180 points per minute, one hour, that is... A full [-] energy.

Jiang Che's eyes lit up.

This so-called fourth-grade elixir is too awesome. "Girl, how is this medicine?"

He asked Su Xuanxuan, who woke up this morning, grew up again, and returned to the peak of her strength.

Su Xuanxuan shrugged, "It's only the fourth-turn elixir, the fifth-turn magical medicine, and even the sixth-turn immortal medicine, it's nothing."

She held her head high and was very proud.

And this time.

More and more people came around.

Countless monsters rushed to the three giant peaks and gathered under the command of a monster king. It seemed that they wanted to gather strength, form a crushing posture, and directly deter all foreign enemies.

And with the gathering of more and more capable people.

The strongest forces that the four 44 originally faced off against.

An eye exchange started.

Another half hour passed.

When there was only one hour left before noon, the four 44 factions seemed to have finally decided something.

They each stepped back a few hundred meters, leaving a safe area in the middle, and then each of them yelled at the relatively weaker team at their side.

"I have something important to deal with in this place, please do it yourself!"

Withered Wood Ninja made a hoarse voice, icy cold to the bone.

The ten-meter giant made a rumbling voice: "I, the Nordic Gods Association, have something to do here, everyone waits, and exit the radius of [-] meters, otherwise it will be regarded as a spy and will be killed!"

A group of black-robed female believers, the bishop said: "I, Eliza, a believer of the god of the undead Bacru, requisitioned this place on behalf of the necromantic church, please leave."

The Xiangxi Chasing Corpse faction is also very direct.

The middle-aged man at the head swept across with a sword, cut off a few big trees, and snorted coldly: "Get out, or die!"

In the unlawful place of Yaoshan.

The cruelty, selfishness, and arrogance of those who are capable are vividly displayed.

Chapter [-] The elixir is mature, and all parties are fighting for it! (The fourth update, there is one more to be added tomorrow)

Those with idle abilities hidden everywhere, all dared to be angry and did not dare to speak.

There are kings in these four teams.

None of them can provoke a master of this level.

Among the four teams, a strong man, under the icy gaze, many people were forced to retreat, and on Jiang Che's side, a few people all looked at Jiang Che with burning eyes.

That look seems to be: say.

It's your turn to take action!! Because usually at this time.

Hidden powerhouses like Jiang Che who mingled in the crowd should take a strong shot and turn their hands to suppress those... arrogant and powerful forces.

It's a pity that Jiang Che just picked up Su Xuanxuan and shouted, "Hey! He's actually a famous necromancer, and he's so terrifying! You've slipped away, you can't be bothered, you can't be bothered!"

Then he was very decisive.

Run towards the outside.

Leaving Tang Zi behind, Fa Hai and the others were stunned.

Do you want to be so rude.

Just slip away.

And shouted "seven nine, seven"

Why are you so loud.

With this shout, the eyes of the... necromancers just... looked over.

Looking at a few people, I felt chills in my heart.

The corners of a believer's mouth moved slightly, and everyone immediately felt their hairs stand on end.

"No, run away!"

Tang Zi shouted.

Several people left.

But when they chased Jiang Che's direction, they were surprised to find that Chef Jiang disappeared out of thin air...

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