The duck to the mouth flew "Double Element Ability!"

Withered Wood Ninja gritted his teeth: "It happens to be two kinds of escape techniques, and this probability has made us meet!"

There are no dual-skilled people.

But often there is no specific connection between the two abilities of awakening.

The ability person is one in a thousand, and the dual-type ability is one in a thousand, and the two abilities of awakening happen to be two kinds of escape techniques, and the probability is probably pitiful.

This is an extremely unlikely event.

But let them meet! "Roar!"

The ten-meter giant slammed the ground with both arms, roared in anger, and the ground split open.

"Chase, chase, find this man!"

He ordered one of the five people to be a white soil-type capable person.

Jia Jixing, the head of the corpse chaser, blinked his eyes. He didn't care about the elixir for the time being, but glanced at the surroundings vaguely, and surrounded them, almost the whole mountain was surrounded by a large pile of monsters.

Of that.

The three figures were dazzling and dazzling.

The blood was so strong it was unimaginable.

Especially the white tiger king.

The pinnacle of the king's ninth dan.

05No one here is its opponent.


Jia Jixing was very decisive, leading the two disciples, and wanted to go down the mountain along a small road.

And this time.

A flame fell from the sky, like a meteorite, which made Jia Jixing's expression change, and he hurriedly lifted the two disciples back.

Bang!! The flames burst.

Three of Jia Jixing's zombies were blown up, and none of the scum was left.

He looked at the sky with a gloomy face, this piece of sky, the temperature was terribly high, a giant bird that was covered in fire, about the size of a helicopter, looked at himself with cold eyes and cruelty in his eyes.

"You have already picked the elixir, so you don't have to leave, just stay in Yaoshan!"

Blazing Bird King said coldly.

The rest of the teams originally wanted to go after that... the person who snatched the elixir.

But at this time, they were also blocked by powerful monsters. The four teams were incomparably strong before, driving away all the powerhouses who were idle. At this moment, Qi Qi was besieged on the top of the mountain, and his faces were all gloomy.


Jia Jixing snorted coldly: "If you stay with us, aren't you afraid that your demon mountain will be destroyed?"

"There are countless powerful people in the human race. You really dare to do such a wicked act. Within three days, none of your demon mountain will survive!"

He threatened coldly.

Human race is not so easy to bully.

Any big empire has a strong strength.

"My Nordic Gods Association is the core of the Polar Bear Empire. There are gods in the assembly. You beasts, do you really want to live!"

The ten-meter giant also shouted.

On his arm, more than a dozen dark arrows were inserted.

In front of the giant, a vicious dog stepped out from hell, with a ferocious expression and growling in a low voice.

"We didn't gain anything this time, and we don't want to be the enemy of Yaoshan."

After the two spoke up, Eliza of the Necronomicon Church stood up and spoke.

The two of them sang red face.

Show your strength and stun the enemy.

Then someone should sing the blame and give both sides a step down.

"Friends of the demon clan let us go, and we will never disturb Yaoshan again in the future."

Eliza shouted.

There was a restlessness in the monsters, some monsters' eyes were red, and some were knotted.

These... monsters don't always live in the mountain of monsters, in fact, many monsters have lived in the outside world, and even went abroad, and there are monsters who have traveled to more than ten countries.

And this time.

Some of these... monsters reveal their bodies.

There is also a large part of maintaining the body.

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