"Although this possibility is not ruled out, this king does not think it is such a coincidence."

Everyone was about to cry.

Speaking of Tiger King, you may not believe it.

It's just.... such a coincidence!! "So there's only one explanation."

The white tiger king's voice became more and more cold: "You five earth-type ability people can't stop that person, not because he is a dual-type ability person, but because that person is yours!"


"Arrange a good show and want to deceive this king"


With the words of the White Tiger King Binghan.

One by one monsters, their eyes became more and more... red, and the killing intent in their eyes was undisguised.

And these capable ones.

I almost cried.

We are so wrong!!

Chapter [-] The monsters will never be slaves! ! (Second update, sorry for being late, bosses)

The densely packed monsters are approaching the middle.

A giant wolf larger than an ox, like a wild boar in a giant tank, a vixen with white hair slowly growing out of the human body, a giant python that easily smashes mountains and rocks, and its fist is bigger than the front of a car. the old ape.

All the monsters had scarlet eyes, saliva left from the corners of their mouths, and they looked at the prey in the middle with cold eyes, exuding a vicious and brutal aura.

The four capable people of the 44 forces were completely panicked.

They understand this battle.

I'm afraid it can't be avoided.

And my side, the winning rate is very small! At this time, several leaders looked at each other, and their hearts were down.

Get ready to explode.

They are the eighth dan of the king, and even Eliza is only the seventh dan of the king.

In their respective forces, they are also top-level powerhouses, but in Yaoshan, it is really not enough to look at. Of the two demon kings of the eighth rank of the king level, if you choose one.... I am afraid that you can deal with the two of them.

At this time, don't... hand in the trump card.

I'm afraid there won't be a chance later.

In Eliza's sapphire-like eyes, a black light flashed, she held up the... pitch-black undead sickle, and prayed quickly in her mouth.

A mysterious force descended.

The sickle suddenly floated up, and Eliza's eyes flashed with a frenzy: "Take my ten years of life as a guide, calling for your arrival, the great god of undead - Bakru!"

Pfft, she opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Those... the blood seemed to be pulled in some way, all flew to the scythe and merged into it.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling light flashed on the sickle, and suddenly, with a bang, a powerful momentum burst out from this mysterious item.

The breath of infinite silence.

Covered a radius of thousands of meters.

It seemed that there was a god who opened his eyes in the void and looked at every creature coldly.

All the monsters stopped in unison.

He looked at the sickle with a dreadful light...

They have a feeling that if they take a step forward, they will be torn to shreds by this... artifact! Eliza holds this... necromancer scythe soars into the sky, looking coldly at the Blazing Bird King.

This powerful and unparalleled demon king.

It is also serious.

One man and one demon, confronting each other.

And this time.

Clank clank clank clank clank!!! Six crisp iron ringing.

The cold light shone, and the dead wood ninja held two sharp-edged ninja knives in each of his hands, and he still bit one in his mouth.

The most terrifying aura was a ninja sword suspended behind his back, blood red all over his body, faintly exuding an aura that slashed everything.

"Six Swords Stream!"

A ninja whispered: "This is the ninja class, the legendary final state, holding six ninja swords, bursting with extreme power."

"I didn't expect that Lord Deadwood has reached this point."

"This is the legendary strength that is known as the god of ninjas!"

There are also ninjas frowning and shaking their heads: "Look, Lord Deadwood is obviously very painful. He is in a state of forcibly breaking out six blades, and the real six blades are all blood red. This is probably Lord Deadwood. Mystery, half foot has entered this state."

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