But since there is a more labor-saving and more secure method.

It's okay to use it.

The battle at the top of the mountain continues.

Very tragic.

A huge arm of the giant, buried under the white light.

And Jia Jixing also took this opportunity to slap his palm fiercely, leaving an indelible black palm print.

The Cerberus was cut off countless blacks, but the dead wood was even worse. Half of his body had turned into a gray-black color, which was eroded by the strange power of the Cerberus.

His movements are getting more and more full.

There was panic in his eyes.

Eliza is even worse.

Except...at the beginning, with the help of the god of undead, she cut off a giant claw of the Blazing Bird King.

It was completely slapped up and beaten.

The Blazing Bird King called out all kinds of tyrannical flames, and half of the sky was red.

Meteorites, fire claws, fire balls, fire rings, etc..., all fire-type attacks, under the hands of this eight-dan king-level demon king, were played with flowers.

At this time, Eliza was already charred black, her skin was ripped apart.

the other side.

Level combat is even more frustrating.

Under the impact of countless monsters.

The person can't stand it, let alone only [-] or [-] level ability people.

Fortunately, there were two gatekeepers from the corpse gate, who controlled a large group of zombies, and only resisted for a few more minutes... The battle is still going on.

The entire giant peak has been beaten down, the White Tiger King's combat power is really terrifying...

when it lasted ten minutes.

The battle is over.

Those who are capable are defeated.

All survivors, trapped in the middle of the mountain.

Everyone is miserable.

The waist of the [-]-meter giant was torn off by a large piece, an arm was missing, and half of his head was also destroyed.

Jia Jixing lost both legs.

Eliza's body was charred black, exuding a fragrance, and seven orifices bleeding, with only three knives left.

Four people and four back to back, each facing one side, while five 4 black ninjas, two foreigners, three 55 necromancers, and that... a corpse hunter with a ghost lamp and only two zombies left .

It is to guard the outer circle of several strong men.

Facing the ferocious monsters.

The seniors, teachers, etc. that they respected and loved on weekdays did not give them protection, but squeezed their last remaining value.

but now.

Nobody cares about this.

There was fear and nervousness on all faces.


Everyone's face was covered in sweat, and they could hear their own clear breathing.

"Evil! You are provoking disputes between humans and demons, have you considered the consequences!"

Jia Jixing shouted angrily.

"When the strong people of my human race arrive, it is necessary that none of your demon mountain is alive."


The White Tiger King snorted softly: "The dispute is just an excuse for your greed, hand over the elixir, and this king will leave you with a whole corpse."

Upon hearing this.

Several people even vomited blood.

Just remembered.

Fight to the death for yourself and others.

What he did was actually a spirit medicine that he had never even touched! That... the person who stole the spirit medicine.

You are too dog!! "Alas, if there is a strong human being standing here now, how dare this beast be so bold"

Several people sighed.

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