Chen Jianghe pondered for a while: "I don't know the specifics, but it must be a compliment. The copyright of the novel resource belongs to the original author. The text is only for personal study and trial reading. Please delete it within 24 hours after downloading. Please support the subscription to the genuine version. Novels, reject piracy!

This novel was first published by "Dragon"

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Secondly, I guess it may be related to the recent change in Longquan Mountain, something happened recently in this restricted area, we are really short of manpower, and we are already arranging all parties, going to all walks of life, major forces, etc., to hire capable people."

It was about business.

And it's still this kind of business, it's good to take, and it's a good business to kill by evil.

Say so.

Jiang Che's interest came up.

"What are you waiting for, let's go, seniors don't wait any longer."

See him impatiently.

Chen Jianghe was stunned.

Didn't you just say that you don't have time? But Jiang Che is willing to go.

Of course he was happy.

Jiang Che went down and picked up Su Xuanxuan, and rose into the air.

The three of them quickly stepped into an immortal mountain shrouded in spiritual mist, which is the greatest strength of the empire - Qilin Peak.

This location is public.

Qilin Peak does not need to worry about being attacked.

Because if someone could attack here, the entire empire would have to lie down and be beaten in front of that person or force.

Several people landed on the top of the mountainside.

Chen Jiangping led the way, and soon came to a hanging wall.

Like, on the cliffs of the moat.

It was covered with sword marks, sword intents, and even some buzzing sounds, as if there was life.

Beside the cliff, stood an old man, his body as loose as Jin, with only a wooden sword in his hand.

"This one has long achieved the realm of achievement, and has also guided many of our empire's exorcism strategies. He is a very respectable senior."

Chen Jianghe introduced: "You may have heard his name, Bai Changsu."

Jiang Che was stunned for a moment: "A sword that opens the mountain - Bai Changsu"

"Isn't this a figure from an ancient legend?"

The history of this world is also different.

This person, Jiang Che had learned from an essay when he was a child.

It is said that more than [-] years ago, there was a village with snake spirits, and one night, a family was caught by snake spirits into the mountains and used as food rations. At this time, the son of the family returned from traveling abroad for decades.

0 heard about it.

Without saying a word, he carried a wooden sword and went to the deep mountains.

But the snake spirit is cunning and gets into the cracks of various rocks.

In a fit of rage, Bai Changsu opened the mountain with a sword.

There is also a folk version of this legend, saying that Bai Changsu went out to learn martial arts, and ended up in a valley and worshipped a man as his teacher.

That man didn't teach him anything, he just swung a sword to him. When the wooden sword broke, he replaced it with a stone sword, and then replaced it with an iron sword, a golden sword... Bai Changsu learned it for decades.

Think you have learned nothing.

As a result, when he returned to the village, when he encountered a snake spirit, he chased into the forest, and with one stroke, he split a mountain.

And no matter what.

This is a very famous person in this world, and a person in the legend...

Now it is alive in front of you.

Jiang Che was also a little surprised.

Moreover, he could feel the strength of the other party, which made his heart feel a little chilly. Standing there motionless, it gave people a very terrifying pressure.

I'm afraid even the gods of other worlds.

got here.

It won't be the enemy of this old man! The old man turned his head, his face was old and thin, but compared to his age, he was already very young. This old man was estimated to be almost three hundred years old.

He looked at Jiang Che a few times.

Nodding very satisfied: "Very good, very good seedling, full of qi and blood, pure soul."

"This soul crystal can help you improve your strength."

Bai Changsu threw a crystal, thumb-sized soul crystal.

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