Then another big hand grabbed the entrance of the colorful energy competition.


Swallow it in one bite.

Then the giant's body shone brightly, and the divine light flashed.

It tripled in size.

It scratched its head and smiled a little embarrassedly.

Sheep's Horn: The little beast is very vicious. After losing its food, it bumps and bites at the giant, but the giant just stands there and smiles honestly.

It is upright and honest in nature.

But I don't know why just now, I was attracted and participated in the snatch, and I was a little embarrassed at this time.

And Jiang Che, who was concentrating in his soul sea and witnessed everything, was stunned when he heard the system prompt.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Kuafu Beast Soul Gold, evolved into Kuafu Beast Soul Obsidian."

"Damn it, this effect is too strong."

"No wonder so many monsters and people are fighting desperately for it."

Jiang Che was very surprised.

I didn't expect that this elixir would undergo such a powerful mutation when it met his own beast soul, which directly raised the level of the beast soul! The tyranny of the beast soul.

and level are equal.

For example, in the past, Jiang Che used silver-level beast souls, which were also controlled by blood gods: clones, aliens, or evil Taoists, forcibly breaking through to half-step-level evil-level existences.

And then the golden beast soul.

It is a demigod clone that can crush the ancient existence in the black lotus seeds of the world and kill the king's ninth stage in seconds.

Even more.

A gold-level gluttonous beast soul, swallowing the real demigod - the dark crow, is a matter of one bite.

And now.

Jiang Che has never used the Obsidian Card, but he has one, the Obsidian Beast Soul! - Kuafu.

Although through the prompt, he also learned that the cooling time of this beast soul has reached 20 days.

But it has magical powers, the crow eats the soul.

As long as you devour enough evil spirits, you can obtain soul power units and charge the beast soul.

Invincible! "This wave is awesome."

Jiang Che was very excited.

This fourth-grade elixir, which he took a lot of effort to grab, did not disappoint him at all.

It can be said to be full of surprises! "The only pity is that you should use an obsidian card first. If you can evolve an obsidian beast soul into a god-level beast soul, then you will earn blood."

Jiang Che thought about it a little bit.

Then he glanced at the panel.

Swallow the elixir.

The energy came to three hundred and eight Zhao Nuo Zhao Wan.

"You have to think of a way to turn all these energies into strength!"

Jiang Che muttered to himself.

Longquan Mountain and his party.

He vaguely speculates that this is probably not a demigod realm, it is as simple as an old zombie who has broken through to the god realm.

[-] people.

Even the lowest level of walking dead.

Say something cruel.

Jiang Che hammered all these people who had become zombies to death. Even if a zombie only had fifty or sixty, 506,506 energy points, it would still be twenty or thirty million.

Such a large number of evil swarms.

All as food.

Is it really just to stimulate the evolution of a mere million-scale scorpion? Jiang Che, from the point of view of the principle of conservation of energy, I am afraid there is something strange to blame for this.

So follow his usual strategy.

The three million energies.

Of course it can't stay.

Strengthening the strength is the king!

Chapter [-] Fusion - World Destruction Hammer! (third more)

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