A white light shrouded.

six minutes later.

A pitch-black sledgehammer full of violent and destructive aura appeared in front of Jiang Che.

The shape of the hammer has not changed much.

But it was filled with a powerful aura of destruction.

Hammer of Hell to Destroy the World Jiang Che: Hammer to destroy all worlds and robbery - the master of hell, undead, thunder and fire, the power to destroy the world, the power of Ruyi, ghosts and immortals.

Two powerful, mysterious items.

under fusion.

Sledgehammer has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Seven 7 abilities, all powerful.

The Lord of Hell is its strongest ability. Inside the hammer, a mysterious hell is sealed, and there are mysterious powerhouses in it. The hammer-wielders are the main ones, inspiring their own strength for them to fight.

In fact, the things locked in hell are equivalent to hammering spirits.

Just too many.

Necromancer, hammer strike with necromantic power.

It can make the enemy's heart and body decay, and even weaker ones will die directly.

The power of thunder and fire gathered together: the three kinds of power: divine thunder, ghost fire, and ice flame, each of which is very terrifying.

Ghost Immortal Six Souls, from the previous four Souls, directly advanced to Six Souls.

Jiang Che has a kind of: guess, I am afraid that the ghost immortals are also trapped in the prison.

It dedicates more of its own soul power step by step, attaches it to the hell, and allows Jiang Che to drive it.

It should be that he wants to use a tricky way to overcome the countless powerful beings in the hell and become the hammer spirit of the sledgehammer.

The power of destroying the world, the advancement of the power of destruction.

Calling the blessing of hell and destroying the world with one hammer is the ultimate killer move.

The power of this... sledgehammer.

Jiang Che was very satisfied.

Sledgehammer in hand.

He is confident that, in his basic state, he is definitely not a problem if he is a king of the peak of the ninth rank.

even in combination with their own abilities.

The black magic shadow is used properly, and with good luck, with full blessing, it is very possible to destroy the world with a single hammer, and ruthlessly do it on the opponent, and directly kill a rank nine king.

This is just the base state.

If you use another beast card yourself.

The power will be multiplied.

So far.

More than three million energy, only 68 are left.

There is nowhere to spend.

There are still a few gold cards now, so there is no need to draw too many.

Jiang Che also decided to advance to this place first, and he glanced at the now terrifying panel.

[Energy]: [Function]: Draw cards, strengthen, select, merge [Exotic Beast Cards]: Chiyou Shenzang, Yinglong Obsidian, Xingtian Obsidian, Yuqiang Gold, Nine-Tailed Fox Gold,...[Items]: World Destruction Hammer, Void Battle Boots, Dragon Bone Armor, Soul Locking Nail, Yin and Parasol [Ability]: Black Shadow, Devour, Yanshan Quake, Yukong [Magic Power]: Rebirth available status, Recharge: 17%, Great Seal of Heaven, Dark Crow Soul Eater Soul Power: 3, Fire Mastery [Beast Soul]: Kuafu Obsidian Jiang Mangfu instantly became extremely confident.

He was eager to try.

I want to go to Yaoshan again and kill the existence hidden in the depths.

However, since he made an appointment with Chen Jianghe, Jiang Che finally decided to deal with the affairs here first.

The appointed time is the day after tomorrow.

Jiang Che fell asleep, and the next morning, an acquaintance sent a text message.

Chapter [-] People with different salaries are thinking before going to bed... (fourth more)

"Brother Jiang, my grandfather is going to break through the realm of martial artist tonight and enter the level, can I invite you to protect the law?"

The message was sent by Han Tian.

The current ruler of the Han family, Han Yuanlong, was very discerning in his early years.

He judged the situation very early, sent his family members, spent a lot of money to learn martial arts, techniques, participate in training camps, and stimulate potential.

It also enjoyed the dividends at the beginning of the new era.

However, the Han family has never had a strong man in charge.

Development is shackled.

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