Except... an old man in the first seat.

The rest were all wearing pure white masks.

It seems that he doesn't want people to recognize him.

And the reason why the hall is so dark is also for this reason.

"Master Han, this time, wants to break through the martial arts "2"

I think everyone knows about the realm of the master.”

A young voice said: "The warriors are different from ordinary people, they are more similar to the monks and fighters in the novel. They are powerful, and they can split gold and stone with one punch and one kick, and the great master of martial arts is even more shattered with palms. High-rise buildings are possible.”

"The strength of warriors exceeds those of ordinary abilities, but they also have a dead end! They have fatal flaws!"

The young man's voice was gloomy: "The internal strength of martial arts has broken through, and the momentum is huge. If the strength is released, it will roll up a hurricane of ten or more, which is difficult to cover up."

"At this time, the martial artist must not be disturbed, otherwise, all previous achievements will be lost, and in severe cases, they will even go into trouble."

"So this is a great opportunity for us!"

He looked around with gloomy eyes and said fiercely: "The Han family has monopolized most of Dayuan City's exorcism business by virtue of their early decision-making, and maliciously lowered prices, which lowered everyone's interests, now is the time, it's our turn Take a shot and tear off a piece of meat from the old guy Han Yuanlong!"

The eyes of the rest of the people hidden under the masks also flashed.

"That's right, his Han family is full of benevolence and righteousness, but how can our forces survive?"

"Hum! The Han family doesn't monopolize such an important resource for the capable ones, and they don't raise the price. In the face of disasters, everyone contributes, hmph! I don't even think about it, if you don't let those... flat-headed people die a few more people. , how could they be willing to spend most of their lives to hire capable people from us to exorcise evil spirits"

"Yes, he Han Yuanlong has a fake saint's face, but he has never considered the life and death of our big families and big companies."

"He's destroying the big market and covering up the death of his Han family!"

The people hidden under the masks are all from the top of the major groups.

All of them said in a stern voice.

The grievances between them and the Han family have a long history.

As soon as they came to the Han family's eyes, they occupied Dayuan City early, with a large number of businesses in the exorcism business, mysterious items, and the reselling market for semi-elixirs.

Secondly, it is also the most dissatisfying point for these....the capitalists.

The Han family is lowering prices to the death! Lower various prices related to exorcism.

Those... ordinary people who haven't awakened, under the current rampage of demons, most of them can only spend most of their life saving to buy a mysterious item just like the family Jiang Che saved.

And once it is really entangled by evil spirits.

I'm afraid that a family's savings will have to be emptied. Dozens of companies can be controlled by these people, and they can ask those who are able to make a move.

The Han family's price was also high at first.

After all, there were very few capable people at that time, and the market was huge.

But later, Mrs. Han, seeing the tragic situation in the city, decided to go his own way and set a reserve price strategy.

Under the name of the Han family, those who are capable can be hired. The lowest price is as low as [-]. Most of them are about tens of thousands of dollars.

Of course, this does not depend on exploiters.

Instead, the Han family made profits and reduced the intermediary fee. Unlike those... consortiums, the intermediary fee extracted is as high as: [-]% to [-]%%.

The Han family lowered this fee to 1% and 3%, which is almost equivalent to a free service.

Of course, the able ones do have to earn less.

At the same time, the mysterious items of the Han family consortium, etc., and the lesser ones, have also been reduced in price to tens of thousands.

There are also semi-elixirs to aid awakening.

The half-elixir medicine that the Han family obtained from various sources, at a low price ranging from hundreds of thousands to more than [-]: to be sold to ordinary people.

This strategy caused some capable people to leave.

to other companies in the consortium.

But there are also more than [-]% of those who have the ability to choose to stay.

Human hearts are fleshy.

Seeing their homeland being destroyed, these able-bodied people don't feel well. In the past, when the price was high, although they were leisurely, they listened to the news about the... tragedies. In fact, their hearts were very touched and disturbed.

after lowering the price.

Those with ability can not only have a stable high income, but also can really do something for their own home.

In fact, most capable people support it.

After all, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of shots, as short as one or two hours, as long as three or five days, such a price is not too low.

There is no need to have to do it. Dozens or millions of shots are made, forcing some ordinary families to wait to die.

Among them, although the empire is official, it is always in action.

But there are too many evils, and there are only a few hundred people and thousands of people in a city.

But now, every day in a city, there are thousands of strange events, including the surrounding villages and towns, and there are even more.

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