All of them stared at this scene in bewilderment.

Everyone is stupid.

What the hell, the [-]-meter sledgehammer is really blind with a pair of titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.

What kind of evil did I do just now! I provoke such a person with the air-type ability that my father said, and then I took out my hammer! Can this world be better?

Shivering, shivering, shivering, cold... All those who are capable, want to cry but have no tears.

When they thought that they had just ridiculed and persuaded this reckless man with a fifty-meter sledgehammer to come down to fight, a strange feeling rose in their hearts.

Proud and wanting to die.

"Brother! Wrong, wrong!"

"Put down the hammer and fight again"

"Don't suffer my father!!"

All abilities were terrified.

They all cried out and shouted: run away.

In the distance, a sniper who had originally aimed at Jiang Che, with a flick of his hand, he broke the... precious sniper rifle into two pieces.

Snipers are going to be stupid.

Holy crap! Isn't this the King of the Hammer? I'm really floating.

Dare to aim at a king!!! The mood of the seven 7 consortium executives is even more complicated.

His face was dull.

They never expected it.

You special, Han Yuanlong, broke through to the next level.

Did you find the king to protect you? Is it ill? You can make sense to find a powerful person to come to the law! It's too stupid to ask the king directly!

Chapter [-] The fertile leek field! (First update, sorry for being late)

Jiang Che raised his sledgehammer high, the divine power of thunder and fire was dazzling, and the entire dark sky brightened.

in the horrified eyes of everyone.

He dropped the hammer.

A hammer slammed down and slammed down hard.

Rumbling, thunder suddenly rolled, like a calamity suppressed.

When the sledgehammer collided with the ground.

Thunder, flames, and frost giant dragons rushed out from the Hell's World Destruction Hammer, charging towards the surroundings.

BANG!!!!!! A loud noise.

A terrifying explosion destroyed the entire arena.

Seven 7 consortium capable people, high-level, were all engulfed by thunder, divine fire, and frost giant dragon, turned into a pool of flying ashes.

These people came with the purpose of destroying the door.

When Jiang Che killed them, he naturally did not feel any guilt.

An old saying.

Murderers, people will kill forever! Under the erosion of the Thunder Dragon, the golden armored giant roared up to the sky, and a terrifying golden divine light erupted from his body, just like a giant light bulb.

But unfortunately, he only persisted for two more seconds, and then his sturdy body was destroyed by the thunder, and the whole person turned into a pile of minced meat.

All the Han family members widened their eyes in horror.

This scene severely impacted their vision and heart.

More than [-] capable people, who can destroy all grades with one blow, only insist on two seconds. This is too much! This kind of power is too sensational. It was as if seeing a supreme god, all spirits perished and all living beings perished in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Che tore open a black fissure and devoured the souls, yin, and life essence of these capable people.

One-stop service for breaking bones and destroying souls.

Called professional.

"Ding, Crow Soul Eater is activated, Soul Power Unit +1."

"Ding, Crow Soul Eater is activated, Soul Power Unit +1."

"Ding, Crow Soul Eater is activated, Soul Power Unit +1."

Three points: soul power unit.

This made Jiang Che's eyes shine. After the beast soul was promoted to Obsidian, the soul power needed to refresh once was also increased accordingly. Gold is one point, and Obsidian is about three points:.

And now.

Add the remainder from before.

Jiang Che possesses a total of 6 soul powers.

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